More sharp than the real sharp knife, while the blade slammed down, Gu Huai could not help but bite his teeth and close his eyes.

One second…

Two seconds…

Three seconds…?

The pain in the expectation did not appear. Gu Huai slowly opened his eyes and found that he had nothing, but the obstacles in the position that had just stumped him were completely flattened.

The horror creature that completed this action has already lowered the forearm and continued to surround him silently with other similar people.

These creatures didn’t want to attack him, and Gu Huai suddenly realized this.

When Gu Huai slowed his heartbeat because of this consciousness, he did not know whether it was his illusion. He gradually… seemed to be able to vaguely perceive the emotions of these alien creatures around him.

Very angry, but this anger is not directed at him.

Combining the obstacles that had just caused him to fall, he was flattened, and Gu Huai suddenly had an idea that made him feel awkward.

It is because he is injured, so they will be so angry.

Gu Huai was not sure about it. He didn’t know why he thought so. In order to verify this, Gu Huai lowered his hair and made a slight sound similar to the puff.

It’s like a signal, the Tak Zerg, who has been extremely angry around the youth, is further angered, from the repressed state of silence, and the sharp forearm tip is deeply inserted into the ground, directly giving this hard The rocky surface creates several potholes.

Gu Huai: “…”

The reaction of these Tak worms directly verified Gu Huai’s conjecture. At this time, Gu Huai finally understood that the act of encircling him by these terrible creatures in front of him was not a siege of him as a prey, but a protection…

This is a circle of protection, they are just guarding him.

Gu Huai did not know the reason, but once he understood this, many of his cognitions had to change.

For example, it is also closely stared at by dozens of scarlet eyes. Gu Huai will try to think about how to escape when he starts, but now, he can’t afford much tension in his heart.

From the appearance point of view, these alien creatures in front of Gu Huai are indeed very dangerous and terrible. Whether it is a sharp forearm or a sharp tooth that can penetrate deep into the ground, it is full of deadly threats.

They can be sure that they are protected by them. Gu Huai stood up from the ground and took a deep breath. He tried to approach the one with the tallest body.

The closer they are, the clearer the anger that Gu Huai perceives from them, and there is no reason in this scarlet eye that stares at him, but even then, they don’t leave him.

When Gu Huai took the initiative to approach the head of the Tak zerg, he saw that this huge dangerous creature shifted its forearm to the back and adjusted the angle to avoid sharpness. Let him meet.

Gu Huai stunned a bit, the feeling of being carefully protected is too obvious, even using “protection” to describe it is not accurate enough, the use of “care”…

This feeling of being cared for is rarely seen in Gu Huai’s life experience so far. He is a child who grew up in a welfare home.

Although most of the care workers in the welfare homes are caring people, there are many children in the welfare homes to be cared for, and the care that each child can receive is limited.

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