Part 1

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#### 1

Deep up high we are building castles in the sky
hidden in a maze off rye.
Keeping all out to wander.
Leaving us free of ponder.

For this place is only for you and me.
A kingdom where we can be free.
Watching the moon light glisten
Waiting patiently for us to listen.

Inviting us to an endless dance
Slowly pulling us into a happy trance.
Filling the air with water so warm.
Pushing us into the beautiful storm.

#### 2

The knight walks with such pride
Like there is nothing to hide
He fights of all evil he is told
Waiting for his destiny to unfold
But when the days fade away
He looks for a solitary place to stay
Alone he cries himself to sleep
With all the horrors he has to keep
He is the reason for endless pain
Creator of the famous red rain
All in the name of someone else
Who sits high in a castle
Drinking wine from wells.

#### 3

Can we stand up high just as friends?
Can we use our time to make amends?
To repair all the broken vows
Not ending up raising brows
Healing the wounds in our hearts
Finally showing all our cards
For we want to move on from shattered dreams
A live where nothing is as it seems.

#### 4

Each day a new little lie
Each day we are closer to our goodbye
Why is it not obvious?
It almost feels devious.
Dragged along by a mysterious force
Filled up with dreading remorse
Every step leading up to new mistake
Peeling off all that is fake
Falling into a place where we can be free
Where we can be as we want to be

#### 5

There is nothing good you can do for me anyway
So there is no reason for me to stay
Your words tear through my soul
But that has always been your goal.
Burning away all that is me
Stripping me of the desire to be free
Your poison fills my atmosphere
Yet I am still here

#### 6

The ink runs down my skin
Reminding me of every little sin
Burned right into my essence
Forming a dreadful presence
The monster deep inside
Always finding a place to hide
Piercing with deep yellow eyes
Exposing even the smallest lies
For the monster and I are the same
Burdened with the gift off shame

#### 7

Tonight I'm dancing in the rain
Trying to wash away all the pain
The world left me here alone
Creating new sins for me to atone.
Under the watchful eye of the cat
Working on a full recap
To figure when that mosquito toke control
Demanding the unspeakable toll
Thrown of into the heart of the blizzard
Building a new home free from that wizard

#### 8

I don't make a sound
watching the world go round.
nature dancing in the air
making me aware.
letting go of all i have to lose
becoming my own muse
in this moment the world and i are one
channeling all know fun
sitting here for a while
a face covered in a true smile

#### 9

As the sun kisses my face
I create my own little space.
Somewhere I am my truest self,
As I put all the masks back on the shelve.
Giving up the control of every move
Forgetting that I have something to prove
Falling into a happy trance
For all I want is to dance

#### 10

You think it was magic,
While I know it was tragic.
The nights we spend fighting,
Moments filled with with storms lightning.
When did we turn over to the dark side,
To a place where all the feelings hide.
Was it so much simpler to lie,
Than simply say good-bye?
Is it really worse to be alone
Then having one screaming at you on the phone?

#### 11

Do we still believe?
Do we fight off this strange disease?
The one no one can escape.
For it can take on any form or shape.
Some succumb to it within the blink of an eye.
Others need years of living a lie.
In the end no one is save.
Since love is for the brave.

#### 12

Your voice echos through the tunnel
Making its way conquering the concrete jungle.
Entrancing all it meets on the way
So that no-one can be led astray.
Creating a place were we can be forever
As pure love binds us together
In that night I told fear to scram
The mark you left on my heart Sam

#### 13

a place we dismiss,
somewhere between fear and bliss.
a place we try to rename,
so we can take off some shame.
a place we enjoy till the nights end.
where we feel free and time starts to bend.
a place only you know,
and your love will go.

#### 14

Staring down on my phone
Waiting for it to create a single tone.
Hours come and go
As my will reaches a new low.
My mind grows restless
Creating scenarios where I made a mess.
Finally a relieving Bing comes by,
And all breaks down as I start to cry.
"I'm really sorry mate,
But I have to cancel our date."

#### 15

Caged in a place with no end.
Forced to work until your will is bend.
A tool in the worlds biggest box.
Left with only blood stained socks.
Following the path blind.
Not wondering what we will find.
Doing nothing else than behave.
Till the day we stumble into our grave.

#### 16

She put on the biggest smile
As she sat with me for a while.
We did not speak a word.
But my heart has been heard.
Her head rested on my shoulder,
Pushing off the crushing boulder.
There is no need to pretend
While enjoying time with a friend.

#### 17

Can you every forgive me,
For setting myself free?
Breaking off the chains you so carefully set.
Preparing me for a live of regret.
I know you had the best interest at heart,
But our ideals are too far apart.
I hop one day you will see,
And hopefully forgive me.

#### 18

Each scar tells a story,
Causing someone else to worry.
When we jump in head first,
Not assuming the worst.
Pushing through with utter believe,
For there are wonders to achieve.

#### 19

The strange keeps me company
You can not see the real me.
Endless fears to swallow
Making me completely hollow.
You would not understand my pain
So I force you out of my lane.
Silently waiting for one who sticks around
Stomping my walls into the ground.

#### 20

A smile covered in light,
Hiding fears stuck in the darkest night.
A soul pushed into fire,
Burning away all one could require.
A heart put in chains,
Forcing to relive all that it pains.
A body covered by scars,
Telling the history of ours.
A little boy about to fall apart,
Starring at the knife stuck in his heart.

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