Chapter One: Encountering Peculiarity

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He passes alongside some local shops he enjoys visiting often and the diner he worked at when he finally spots his college campus in the far distance. Louis smiles placidly.

He snapped his legs to go faster and jerked his bike to jump the curve until he was biking on the sidewalk of the campus.

"Holy shit," he breathes. The school was a bit ampler than he expected, and the campus was much larger and much more well taken care of than he presumed. As he strode off on his bike Louis saw a couple of bright-clothed students spreading out under some trees and talking and mingling with their friends, as Louis supposed,  and others strolling one way with heavy, murky cardboard boxes to where Louis bore there be the dorms building.

He parked his bike in the racks in front of the study hall and sighed contently, rolling his shoulders back and hearing a delicious crack. He slides off his headphones and lets them drop to his shoulders as he presses pause on his walkman that was strapped onto the top of his jeans, running his fingers through his floppy quiff to hopefully tame it a bit and rolling his finger over his one swirl, letting it drop to his forehead loosely.

There were some birds in the trees above chirping quietly and peacefully as he descended his walk in the supposed path of the dorms, shoving his hands in the front pocket of his blue jeans. He promised to meet Niall in front of the dorms and Louis knows he was already running late so he hurried in his steps a bit, spotting a mess of a man not too far in front of him with blond hair and two cardboard boxes on the floor in front of him, tapping his leg and looking around expectantly, impatiently.

"Niall!" Louis yells loudly to catch his friend's attention, also grasping the attention of the students mingling around them, beginning to jog toward him when he made eye contact with the intolerant blond-haired guy.

When he got in hearing distance of the other lad, Niall began to chew his ear off. "Shit head, I told you to meet me here 10 minutes ago," Niall scoffs. " I looked like a total weirdo standing here all alone." He presses on as he pouts, shoving Louis' shoulder playfully, all in good fun. Louis only chuckles lightly in return.

"Well mate," Louis sighs and leans down, picking up one of the large boxes with a small grunt, "You know I biked here, wasn't gonna get here in a jiff." He looks at Niall expectantly and pushes the glass doors open with his shoulder and starts to walk up the stairs, Niall trailing lazily behind him and moaning in pain.

"I had to bring both of these boxes all the way from the parking lot, by meself!"  Niall says almost in awe, then looks around as he whispers, "I got some bizarre looks when I accidentally tripped on the sidewalk." Louis' eyes widen as he turns around only to catch a glimpse of a dent in the side of Niall's box. He couldn't help the snort he let out.

They walk until they reach Niall's floor. "What's your number again?"

"107." Louis nods and sought out to find it, luckily being one of the first on the floor.

Niall unlocks the door with his keys while trying flimsily to not drop the box on the floor, pushing in and sighing loudly as the comfort of his room envelops him sweetly. "Gosh, I missed this bugger. " he drops the box to the floor of his room with a loud thud and throws himself face-first on his bed. Louis walked inside the room and looked around in a haze, admiring the smallish room as he settled the box next to Niall's resting body. There were some already there rock-band posters clinging lazily to the walls in gratitude of some chewing gum and Niall's bunk bed nicely tucked in the left corner of the room, another bed on top mirroring him and a large opaque wooden dresser on the opposite side of the room with a superb dirty-ish mirror hanging on the wall on top of it, resting next to a dark coloured desk with a warm, yellow lamp being the only thing on top of it.

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