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"sure, sure Parkinson..." Draco rolled his eyes "don't you dare roll your eyes-" Pansy said pointing at Draco "pfft- Parkinson! did you know pointing is bad? didn't your parents teach you that?" Draco said, "I- shut it Malfoy!" Pansy said in shock "haha! okay, anyways Potter let's go-" Draco said and gave Pansy a stare "don't you ever see me and Potter confess-" "Pfft- we are not going to follow you Malfoy! Pansy laughed "Hmmm.... okay then..." Draco said holding my hand "so Potter I guess they're not following!" Draco said smiling "mhm I guess so M-Draco.." I smiled "hah.. anyways Harry can you follow me for a minute?" Draco said "O-okay Draco..." I said. As I was following Malfoy we saw this..."w-wait what happened to my-" Draco said but then he realized "oh right!.." Draco said "soo Harry I've been wanting to tell you this... when I saved you from the Dursley muggles.." He said "O-oh um what is it?" I asked "well... I liked you when I saved you.." Draco said smiling "omg guys this is the part!" Pansy yelled and whispered, "Will you be my...." say it...! say it..!" Pansy whispered, "Will you be my boyfriend?" Draco blushed "I-..." I blushed red "mhm sure!" we both smiled and hugged "and there going to kiss guys!" Pansy whispered, again. Draco lifts my chin and smiled "D-Draco w-what a-are you-"! we kissed "yes!" said Hermione "Pansy did you record it?" she said "of course! " Pansy said holding her phone. Malfoy and I kissed for 2 minutes and stopped "mhm..." I said blushing hard "hehe cute!" Draco said squeezing my cheek "s-shut i-it M-Malfoy" I blushed hard "haha, I can't stop that! you're too adorable! "hehe Malfoy..." pansy said holding the phone "PARKINSON WHY-" Draco said "hehe!" I giggled a bit "you're too cute for each other and this is why I make a video of you two love birds!" Pansy laughed "yeah!" said Hermione "Hary... you and Draco will be married if Malfoy proposed you!" Ron said, "RON! don't say that!" I said blushing harder "Now are we talking about Malfoy and Harry being married I would have been the uncle-" "and Hermione and I are going to be aunties!" Pansy squealed "anyways let's just chat on the phone cause I'm tired-" I said "Well just sleep with me if you are, Harry!" Draco said, "shut it Malfoy!!" I blushed.

A FEW WEEKS LATER: Harry and Draco were 23 years old and their friends are like 23 or 22



Harry: Uh Hi? 

Pansy: ...

Hermione: uh...why are you texting at 3 AM Parkinson? 

Pansy: I don't know maybe I'm bored? 

Blaise: okay for texting at 3 AM I'm going to sleep

Pansy: WAIT!

Blaise: okay fine what?

Pansy:  would you guys want to go? because it's already summer-

Draco: well let's just say some place we have not to go to?


Harry: imma just eat ice cream-

Ron: is Malfoy with you?

Harry: uhhhh- of course not! 

Draco: yeah I'm with Harry

Ron: well do you hear something?




"Harry..." said Draco "don't eat ice cream at 3 AM!" "ughhh fine!" I said, "okay so now go to sleep..." said Draco "  "mhm okay.." I said. In the morning Malfoy looks a bit prepared "M-Malfoy what are you going to -" I asked, "heh, you'll see!" said Draco holding something "mhm sure ..." I said rolling my eyes "well do you want to go somewhere?" I said "well no" Draco said "okay then" I said."oOoo nice view!" Pansy said looking at the view "well thanks to Malfoy I got some daises for you, Harry!" said Pansy holding a daisy "one for you, and two for you Draco!" Pansy said, "thank you!" Draco said  "mhm!" said Pansy "Pansy I have a feeling if Malfoy is going to propose to Harry" Hermione said "yeah same" Pansy said. After that, we saw a sunset..." wow it's nice to see that!" said Blaise "mhm yeah!" said Ron "Well look at that Draco is staring at him!" said Hermione "ahhhh! don't tell me Malfoy is going to say 'take this ring!' " said Pansy smiling "what's going on?" said Ginny "well Malfoy is staring at Harry!" said Hermione "WHAT!" said Ginny smiling "yeah and I think Malfoy is proposing to Harry though," said Pansy crossing his arms "so Malfoy what are we doing here I'm confused," I said "well I said you will see Harry," Draco said, "okay then..." I said not realizing I'm holding Draco's hand. Pansy said, "well guys do you want this?" said Pansy holding a cupcake "yeah!" I said "sure," said Ginny "Harry?" said Draco "yes Malfoy?" I said, " do you want to do something?" Draco said smiling "okay uhh..what is it?" I questioned "so... uhh.. take this ring...." Draco smiled "okay but why?" I said, "well I'm just going to say...." "look!" Ron said "he is going to say 'will you marry me!" to Harry!" "WAIT! really?!" said Blaise "of course!" said Ron "well if Malfoy proposed to Harry I'm going to ask him something!" said Ron "okay sure Ron," said Pansy "hmm I got some flower petals," Hermione said, "Hey give me some!" said Pansy "okay," said Hermione " Potter? will you marry me?" said Draco "y-yes!" said Harry "YAYYY!" said Ginny and everyone "hey Malfoy!" said Ron "don't hurt my bestie!" Ron said, "I will never hurt him, Ron," said Draco holding me "okay just checking" Ron said.

TO BE CONTINUED (again cause I need a break from typing this) 

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