The beggining of our forever

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I awake before Michael and watch him sleep for a while. I feel sore but ignore it. I pick up his shirt from the floor and put it over my head. I love watching him sleep. He's so beautiful and at peace. All of the memories from last night come rushing back like a headache. All the screaming, crying, name calling, apologies, kisses, happiness, love. It brought us closer. My finger feels heavier and I look down at the diamond and smile. I hear purring and see the kitten cuddled into Michael's side. I smile and I can't take it anymore. I jump on top of Michael and kiss him hard. He kisses back instantly. I pull away and smile. "Couldn't wait to kiss you and buy a house with you." He smiles and pulls me back down. And cuddles closer to me. "Mikey we have to go look at houses." I say while trying to get out of his grip and giggling. "Mhm.. I think my shirt looks better on you." I laugh some more, "That's good now let's go get ready!" He laughs and let's me go. "Are you showering with me?" I don't have to ask twice he jumps up and practically runs into the bathroom and stripping off. I laugh and strip as well. We turn the water on and step in. He helps me wash my hair and rinse it. I return the favor massaging his scalp and rinsing it. We hurry and wash off; and turn the water off. We grab our towels from the towel rack and dry off. We step out with our towels wrapped around us. I run to the closet and grab a black strapless bra and black lace underwear and a lacy black dress that goes to my mid thigh. I hurry and change into it while Michael picks his clothes out. I run to blow dry my hair. My hair is still damp when Michael appears behind me in the bathroom. He takes the brush and the blower dryer from me and starts to blow dry my hair. I smile at him through the mirror and he smiles back. When my hair is dry he brushes it for me and I turn around and kiss him. He's wearing black skinny jeans and a black suit and tie. I about die. He looks good in a suit. I reach up and grab his tie pulling him down so I can kiss him some more. We make sure we have everything we need before going out and getting into Donatello. We visit our first stop. It's a pretty 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house with a big Kitchen and a huge living room. The realtor shows us around and me and Michael agree it's a beautiful house but not for us. We then drive to the next one. We go through a million houses and right when we were about to give up and call it a day we drive up to a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom flat that was big but not too big. It was perfect. We step inside and fell in love. It had a huge kitchen and living room. Then out back was a huge yard. It even had a car port. It was even fully furnished. I fell in-love and so did Mikey. We both agreed on the house and put a down payment on it then and there. The realtor gave us his contact information and other things we may need. Michael picks me up and spins me around. We rush back to the apartment to pack. We pack until midnight. When we are sure we have everything we pile what we can in Donatello. We end up making two trips. By the time all of our stuff is in our new house it is 2:30 am and we don't even bother trying to unpack because we're both too tired. Mikey helps me make the bed and we both lay down and go to sleep.

We wake up the next Morning and agree that we don't have that much left in our savings account and need to slow down on spending. We unpack and by the time everything is unpacked it is already 2:38 pm. "We need to go grocery shopping." I announce after looking at our almost non existent food. Michael agrees and I grab my purse and we make our way to Walmart. When we reach Walmart Michael jumps in the buggy and acts like a three year old. He refuses to get out so I'm stuck pushing this 6ft 3 man child in a buggy. People give us weird looks but who cares. We finally get all the groceries we need. When we check out Michael keeps giving the cashier the evil eye and constantly touching or kissing me because he swears he his checking me out. I push him off and put the bags in the buggy. He pouts and follows me. Holding onto me. I laugh at his Childish ways. When all the bags are put in the buggy and everything is paid for he helps me stuff the bags into the backseat of Donatello. We race back home and put all of the food up and I fix a homemade pizza that Michael wanted (demanded for) we eat in silence because we're both too hungry to even try and start a conversation. When we finish I wash the dishes and head towards the living room. We were siting on the couch watching TV when Michael asked "Will you help me dye my hair? " I laugh and shake my head yes. He runs into our bedroom and grabs the bag containing his hair dye. He comes back with a bag full of black hair dye. I almost cry. Literally. "Mikey I will miss your reverse skunk. It reminds me of all the memories I have with you and I really .. I - I need a moment." I literally start crying. He's looking at me weird and to be honest I don't blame him. I have not the slightest clue as to why I am crying over him dying his hair. I straighten up and wipe away my tears. "If you don't want me to dye it I won't." I shake my head "No, I don't know why I got so emotional. I'm better now." He smiles at me and reaches me the hair dye. I put the thick liquid into his hair and massage it in until all of the blonde is gone and I have him wait for 35 minutes until he can wash it out. While we sit and wait we start taking about crazy things and all of a sudden I start crying again. "Mikey I love you so much. I don't know what I would do without you in my life. I-I" he pulls me closer to him and holds me against his chest. "Shh. It's okay. I know you love me, and I love you too. I'm not going anywhere." I wipe away my tears. "I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me.. My emotions are all over the place." He holds me tight. "It's okay just remember I love you." I smile up at him and kiss him. "You can go wash the dye out now." He gets up and goes to wash it out. He comes back out and his hair is all black and I instantly feel a pang in my chest but ignore because I need to get my damn emotions under control. "It looks good Mikey." He smiles and I help him blow dry his hair. It's all black and fluffy. I kiss him and go to lay down on the couch because I'm suddenly tired. Michael picks me up off of the couch and takes me to our bed and covers me up and joining me. I fall asleep listening to the beat of his heart.

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