Murray Bauman
In this one they're with Murray in the living room watching tv. Idk how they got there don't ask me just imagine. I wanted to skip to the fun part. So it's just the three of them in the room.

Mike bumped Will's knee on purpose. He waited as Will turned his head and smiled. They both started laughing. Almost forgetting Murray was in the chair next to them.

"You suck." Will whispered, trying not to interrupt the movie. Mike ruffled Will's hair as a response. Murray leaned over and grabbed the remote, shutting the tv off.

Will turned to look at Murray. "I'm sorry, we're we being too loud?" He apologized. "No, no you're fine." Murray paused. "You know I had friend when I was younger, we were just like you two."

Both boys must've looked confused, seeing as Murray continued. "We we're young and happy. Never went through what you did, but we had our problems. Neither of us would admit how we felt. I think that's why we ended up the way we did. We haven't talked in 15 years. I don't know about him, but I still think about us every day. Now I don't want to see you guys do the same."

"I'm sorry. Why are you telling us all this? I'm not trying to be rude I just really don't know what you mean." Mike said sitting up.

"I've seen the way you look at each other. The same look I gave him back when we were kids. I know the way you talk to each other. So gentle yet so passionate. Or the way you talk about one another. I guess what I'm trying to say his just make the most of it."

"You're young and in love. Wheeler especially you, and dare I say it, not with Jim's daughter in there, but the one who's sitting right here." Mike's face went red as Will turned to look at him and then back at Murray.

"And don't think you're off the hook either." He said, referencing to Will, who's eyes went wide. "You remind me a lot of myself when I was your age. I know your scared. So is he. So you stop running to that girl for safety and you stop hiding."

"You know I had this same talk with both of your siblings? Look at them now. Man, am I good." He said, leaving the room.

Both boys sat there in silence having no idea what to say. It stayed like that for a while.

"Do you think he's right?" Mike asked.

"Shut up and let me think." Will replied.

"Yeah, right, sorry."

Jonathan and Argyle
They get high with Jonathan and Argyle. That's it, that's the story.

"Jonathan. I can't like... feel my body moving. Like... it doesn't feel like it's moving." Will laughed. "That's the crazy thing about it. It feels good doesn't it?" Jonathan asked.

"Yeah." Will said and Mike nodded in agreement. Argyle suddenly spoke up. "Little man is all grown up. First smoke." He said, wiping a tear from his eye.

"Oh my god. Are you actually crying?" Mike laughed. He laid his head in Will's lap and looked up at the other boy, still laughing.

"Holy shit." Will said, looking down at Mike. "Did you just cuss?" He asked. "Mike, your hair." He said. Mike sat up and started touching his hair. "What's wrong with it."

"It's like really curly. I never notice till now. Was it alway that curly?" Will said, reaching a hand up to touch it as well. Mike raised his eyebrows and laughed. He took Will's hand off his head and began to trace lines on his palm.

Jonathan leaned up against his bed and whispered to Argyle. "I'm hungry." Argyle didn't answer but stood up.

"Going to get some snacks. Don't be doing anything gross when I get back." Jonathan slapped him in the arm and pushed him out the door.

Mike and Will, who had previously been watching the older boys leave, turned to look at one another. They started laughing.

"Is it me or is he really weird?" Mike said. "Well people are weird when they're high. And he's high pretty much all the time. Soo..." Will answered.

"Aren't you worried your mom's gonna be mad?" Mike asked. "I mean I'm sort of in a rebellious mood. Maybe it's just the drugs but I don't seem to care right now. I feel like I can do anything."

"Anything?" Mike asked. Will nodded and brought a hand up to stroke through Mike's hair. "What if we kissed?"

On a normal day, this would've caught Will Byers by surprise. His face would go red and he'd start stuttering. But today he was too high to even comprehend what Mike just said.

"Why would we do that?" Will laughed. "Because you're in a rebellious mood." Mike shrugged. "And you don't seem to care right now, do you?" Mike said, gliding a hand up to Will's neck.

"I mean not really. I've actually always wanted to kiss you." Will said, without even thinking. "Great. I don't care right now either. And I've always wanted to kiss you too. Being rebellious right?"

"Sure." Will said, a smiling from ear to ear on his face. There's not much to say after that. They kissed and then Jonathan and Argyle came back in. All of them had some snacks and then passed out.

They woke up having no idea what actually happened. Did they dream about it? Must have. They couldn't have actually kissed.

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