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Okay, Bismillah Aa (peace be upon you). So yes the video above is about an hour to 2 hours long but Dr.Zakir Naik is pretty interesting when it comes to the science of quran (he is a doctor and a student of religious comparative studies) and he by far found the Quran to be the most accurate in science. In fact I guess he was one of my inspirations. So if you have the time now or later seriously put some time aside to watch, its really interesting and really confirms your faith inshAllah. (Even though most of what he said will be in throughout this book, alhamdilah).

So I'm going to start with something simple, in the Quran
Surat-un-Naba' Chapter 78 Verses 6-7 Allah says:
"Did We not make the Earth as a floor (or bed), And the mountains as pegs?"
Surat-un-Nahl Chapter 16 Verse 15:
" And He placed mountains on the Earth so that it would not shake with you..."

So basically, Allah is saying the mountains are like pegs and they are firm to the ground so that they prevent earthquakes.
Interestingly mountains form how? By tectonic plates due to the movement of magma below the Earth's surface.
So ya mountains form by plates compressed against each other.
SubhanAllah mountains have "pegs" or mountain roots below the continental crust.
Textbooks: "Earth" by Professor Emeritus Frank Press and Siever.

Mountains stabilize the Earth.
First mountains form originally by the movement of tectonic plates and then the mountain is made (having its roots of course). After this occurs notice how there is little earthquake activity near the mountains. And there can't be because there would have to be a fault line, which is where earthquakes originate but since there was a mountain that had formed due to a different boundary already present.

SubhanAllah, (anyone with extra info plz comment)

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