Chapter 9: Brother

Start from the beginning

While I was constantly searching for the book I needed and looking at my phone screen, I didn't realize that my brother had approached me unexpectedly. All I could hear was some footsteps that I thought it was someone else's.

"... Since when you have cared so much about medical kinds of stuff?" He whispered behind me, making me gasp from the sudden shock, but I soon covered my mouth, not to let any noise come out. "You want to prepare for your future career path?"

"First of all, don't say that out of a sudden!" I warned him while keeping my volume down. "Secondly, I am trying to concentrate! Don't bother me!" I told him, however, seeing him nodding his head pretending like he would do what I say only made me a bit angrier.

"You know what? If you want to be helpful, help me find this book, please!" I told him while showing him the screenshot displayed on my phone screen.

"... Okay, just leave that to..."

My brother was about to say something when suddenly he stopped and took a closer look at the screen. Perhaps having something in his mind, he holds his chin and gives a few nods with a smirk on his face. Seeing his face like that just makes me want to lose my mind, but I take a deep breath and try to keep calm, before resuming my searching task.

It is not easy to search for the book I need, however. There are books with different subjects placed on different shelves and rows, some with the titles printed on the spine with such small font sizes that I cannot even read them well without taking them out. I start cursing myself for leaving my glasses at home. At this point, this might take forever to find the correct one, as I let out a tiring sigh.

Book publishers, please don't do this ever again...!

... *Bonk!*

"Geez! What was that for?!" I turned around and scolded my brother, who I assumed had hit me in the head with something hard. The hit was light, but because of the object's weight, it was painful enough to make me cover my head and grit my teeth in pain, as I try not to squeal any noise to disturb any customer nearby.

After getting back my composure, I soon realize that he is handing me something that looks like a book. I quickly snatch that from his hand and take a closer look. The title seems to be correct, but I need to be 100% sure, so I double-check the book while comparing it to the one on my screen. And with that, I can confirm that it is the one I need. There is no doubt about that.

'Lung Cancer Guide: What you and your patient need to know.'

"That's the one you need, right?" My brother asked, but I didn't want to say anything at first. Instead, I give him a nod as my response.

"This one seems to be a best-selling book. Do you know why they put it that high?" He asked me again, but this time, without waiting for my answer, he gave it, nonetheless. "It's because they want to give it as much attention as possible, and also not to let children grab and give it any possible damage."

"And what is that supposed to mean?!"

I had a feeling that the second part was aiming at me, so I asked him back while shooting him a glare, but he didn't seem to budge, since he just returned with his smirk, instead. Despite that, I don't want to get it any further trouble, so I ignore him and flip the book cover to check the price behind it. And I am not gonna lie, this one really is expensive.

"Do you need me to pay for it, little sis?" He asked me.

"No, thanks! I've already had my money, you know? I can pay for it..." I immediately answered him while shoving my hand in my sweater's pockets, trying to find my wallet, which I believed I had carried with me before going to the mall. "Pay... for... it..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2022 ⏰

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