001 | And, The Prophecy Was Born.

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Rainy the night was, as all the echidna rushed into their huts, except a few that stood guard outside. They all shut their doors, bidding one another a goodnight and slowly, each of the youngling echidna fell into their slumbers.

The pitter-patter of the rain didn't bother the guard, as their stoic expressions still stayed on. Although, this calm night of rain would've easily subdued to a small thing to the echidnas, except there was a figure looming around the tribe's village.

An uneasy atmosphere was placed onto the guards, tightening their grasps on their spears. A tense silence was dancing around the village, as the echidna guards readied themselves and looked around distinctively.

For a while, nothing out-of-the-ordinary happened, but that didn't snatch away their readied stances. The grass wavered in motion, as the sounds of the forest ahead of them whistled in its virtuous moment.

Gradually, the echidna guards relaxed their postures. But that was when the figure revealed themselves: they were cloaked, their identity being null and void. And the mysterious being happened to be holding a basket underneath their right arm.

The first guard widened his eyes, jumping up onto his feet and the echidna charged towards the cloaked figure, his war-cry quickly notified the other too, as well. The first echidna rose up his fist, striking it towards the figure, but they quickly grabbed his fist and held it with an iron fist of a grip.

Then, they kicked that echidna away to a bundle of other guards that were rushing behind as well. To add on, another echidna jumped up behind the mysterious being and she kicked the basket out from their hands, as it rose up to the sky.

The cloaked being looked upwards, their stance was reading the feeling of shock and they pivoted to face the other echidna. She punched them, sending them flying back and they let out a subtle groan of pain, before pushing themselves off from the wall.

The figure started to scale up the wall, ignoring the harsh rain, as they only focused on reaching towards the basket. The echidna guard was following behind, as she let out resilient grunts in unison and at the last minute, she pulled herself up with such a force and collided with the hooded figure.

By now, the rain had increased to some occasional lightning strikes and the two were now up in the sky. The echidna threw kicks 'n punches to the unknown figure, while they did so too, and it started off a fight of two strong sides.

In the end, the figure managed to catch the echidna off-guard, by clawing on a punch square-on in her face and the echidna fell down to the ground. As she fell, so did the figure and the basket. In result, they sharpened themselves up and fluidly fell down, gaining enough speed to grab the basket and use their cloak to surface down slowly with the help of the air.

Landing on the floor, they started to climb their way over the fence and landed on by a guard post. The mysterious figure was met with another echidna, who rushed towards them, and they held the basket up high in one hand, while trying to manoeuvre the sudden attacks.

Then, they threw the basket up into the air and that caused the echidna to look up within shock. And, he glanced at the figure, shaking his head and he held up his fists, but looked around within confusion to see the figure was nowhere in sight.

Elsewhere, the figure (somehow) managed to make it to the Watch Tower and jumped up high, catching the basket within their hands.

Unfortunately, they were nearby the edge of the Watch Tower and after they caught the basket, they ended up slipping off from the tower and they plummeted down to the ground. The figure had cradled the basket to themselves in a protective manner, a tired grimace was evident on them, and a low groan was emitted from them, letting go of the basket.

Hearing a series of yells from the echidnas, caused the enigmatic figure to slowly regain back their strength. Letting out tired huffs, they stood up and grabbed the basket. The rain drippled itself onto their cloak and onto the basket.

Whatever was within the basket, must be holding a great importance to the unknown being.

Scurrying around, their looked around and hide by walls, to avoid being seen by the guard echidnas roaming about for them. It seemed, like they were looking for a certain place.

A series of roused-up breaths of uncertainty was heard from the figure, holding the basket firmly underneath their arm. After, they scaled up one of the huts' walls and jumped onto its roof. Then, they moved back, before running forward and they propelled themselves onto the next roof of the hut, causing a small rustle.

This was what the figure kept on doing in unison, upon each and every hut. That is until, they came to a stop and skidded down off the rooftop of the hut that seemed farthest away from the other ones.

The figure came to an abrupt stop, as the lightning flashed for a minute or so, and they reluctantly dropped the basket onto the steps of the hut. They pulled down the blanket slightly to reveal a baby [Colour] [Animal Name], that was fast asleep and wriggling about within their deep slumber,

Underneath their cloak, the figure softened their look and let out a small sigh. As they did, a gasp of shock was left from their lips, as the sound of multiple footsteps was heard nearby them, and they took it upon themselves to glance back at the baby one last time.

To add on, footsteps from the inside of the hut were heard and the figure quickly disappeared off.

The figure from inside the hut, revealed himself to be an elderly echidna with a walking stick underneath his grasp, it seemed sturdy enough. In one hand, was the walking stick (of course!), and in the other was a torch, being wavered around for better sighting. He squinted his eyes, a tired wheeze leaving him, as he looked up to see a flash of lightning.

In the distance, he saw a small flash of spears being raised up towards a certain cloaked figure and their cloak flew about away in the wind.

The old echidna looked down, widening his eyes to see a baby [Animal Name] mobian inside the basket in front of him, he placed the torch up on a standing of its own, picking up the basket and he looked down at the child inside it.

Analysing them, his gaze hardened in realisation.

"You...--are The One." He pointed one of his bandaged gloves towards the sleeping [Colour] mobian, before he let out a wheeze of laughter in relief. "Oh, it really is you! The Chosen One." He spoke of the title, in a softened manner of relief and ecstasy, as if: he had been waiting for this child all his life.

The elderly echidna's laughs of joy echoed about in the hut, bringing the basket of the child with him and the screams of the cloaked figure were drowned out by the lightning 'n rain.

The old echidna was filled with joy on this very day, because...The Chosen One had appeared, right on the steps of his hut. And this very moment onwards was when he knew:

That the Prophecy was true.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2022 ⏰

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