Friends with Benefits (4)

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Lee Hoon was pissed... and it showed.

The normally affable stomped into the office building, headed to his area and shut the door. He was in no mood to talk.

Yes, of course, he was confused with Joo In-ah's decision to end their arrangement especially when he thought things were going fine with them. However, he was more angry with himself. He had over 100 days to clarify things with her and he wasted time. Now, she thought things with them were still casual.

Now, she was gone and it was his fault.

He knew that their original arrangement was to keep it casual, but it hadn't been "casual" for him for the longest time.

Hoon didn't know when it changed.

Maybe it was when he understood more of her brilliance and dedication to her work. Maybe it was when he found out that she had an easy laugh and found joy in the simplest things, like him taking home tteokbokki for her.

Maybe it was how she was so comfortable in her sexuality and she held that quiet confidence in her heart.

Maybe it was the vulnerability in her eyes when he did something that touched her heart. Something that she would mask quickly and would express in the best way she knew how: in bed.

Maybe it was how she smiled at him when they woke up, as if she was looking forward to seeing him the first thing that day.

Maybe he was projecting all of these onto her because he was already feeling those toward In-ah.

And now, he had to unlearn all of that.

Hearing his office door open, Hoon grumpily scolded, "I need some time alone."

"Boy, I guess this is the wrong time to be back in town," a familiar but unexpected voice called out.

Hoon's head whipped to the look at the new comer. "Ji-Sung?! What the heck are you doing here?"

In spite of the heartbreak he was going through, Lee Hoon stood and ran to hug his best friend, Hwang Ji-Sung. Ji-Sung patted his friend's back, "You still look so ugly."

Narrowing his eyes, Hoon punched Ji-Sung lightly. "Don't you have outstanding cases? I should alert the cops that a swindler is back in town."

"Shut up," Ji-Sung returned. "So, why do you have such a scowl on your face? Can't be women issues because you can get any woman you want."

Hoon rolled his eyes. "Apparently not."

Ji-Sung's interest was piqued. Ever since they were in high school, one could point to any woman and if Hoon was interested, he could get her -- the man was handsome and deathly charming. He was also annoyingly kind hearted, and though he broke up with a lot of women, he always treated the women properly.

When Hoon was in love, he would move heaven and earth for the apple of his eye. If his love was not reciprocated, Hoon felt it deeply as well.

"You think you can take a leave today to welcome your best friend back in the city?" Ji-Sung asked.

Hoon smiled. He was quite free today so he said, "Let's do that."

"Where's a good place to pick up women?" Ji-Sung asked as they headed out.

Stopping in his tracks, Hoon pointed to Ji-Sung's chest. "We are going to our old hang outs, tell our stories and we will get as drunk as we can... but we are not picking up women. My heart is still longing for one."


Don't look for him. Don't look for him, Joo In-ah chanted in her mind as people filed in the room for their weekly catch-up meeting with the sales team.

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