I Think I'm In Love

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These past few days had been strange for Natasha. She had made plans with Steve to get lunch on Saturday. That part was normal, but ever since then everything had just felt so slow. On top of that each text she got from Steve made her heart jump. She had her suspicions but didn't want to jump to anything.

When Steve came to pick her up on Saturday things got worse. The second he stepped into her apartment, her heart was racing a million miles a minutes and she couldn't stop it. Everything felt awkward, and what's worse is she hated herself for not being able to fix it. They were halfway through lunch when Steve finally brought it up.

"Are you okay? You've been weird all day?"
"I'm fine."

He didn't believe her. That much she knew, but he didn't press her either. He walked her back to her apartment, but before he left he stopped her.

"You're positive you're okay?"
Natasha forced what she hoped was an easy smile, "Yes. And if I'm not I will be."
"Okay, call me, please, if you need anything."
"I will."

And that evening she walked through her apartment feeling a few pounds lighter, and like everything was a little brighter. Until she went to bed, and it hit her like a ton of bricks what was happening.


The next few weeks were more difficult. She hated not being in control. Hated this power he now had over her even if he didn't know it. So she chose to not show it. Pretended it wasn't there. Which made everything infinitely harder.

Meals together were weird, missions got complex, and no one seemed to want to find out why, but they all knew something was wrong. Natasha had had enough and needed to talk to someone, so she found Wanda. Wanda who could read minds and knew everything anyways, but would still be willing to listen.

"We need to talk."
"Can you meet me at my apartment?"
"Uh, sure."

Natasha felt better as Wanda walked away. And when she actually showed up, it helped a little more. They went to Natasha's couch and sat down, sitting in silence for a while.

"You have to say something eventually." Wand prompted.
"No, I really don't."
"You invited me over. If you don't talk I'll just leave."
"Fine fine." Natasha looked down hesitant, "I think I'm in love with Steve and I don't know what to do. And it's awful but also feels really nice? And I didn't think I could even fall in love let alone with him."
Wanda smiled, "Have you tried talking to him?"
"I'm terrified to. It's all so incredibly confusing because I didn't know we could go from 'best friends' to 'I have a big fat crush on you' in a matter of days. And I feel like a kid again."
"Try talking to him."
Natasha chuckled, "I make no promises."

The next mission she went on felt more normal. It had helped to just talk and get it out of her system. Everything went smooth, until the ship they were liberating began sinking after a bomb had gone off. The ship was starting to split in two and Steve had manage to jump to the side where the air ship could pick them up. Natasha was right behind, but even with her heightened abilities, the jump was becoming too wide. Steve looked over at here then the gap, and held out his hand.

"Come on."
"I swear to god if you don't catch me when I land I'll kill you."
He smiled, "You can hold me to it."

She ran and jump and he caught her. He pulled her up and when they were stable, they were inches apart.

"I caught you."
She laughed, "Looks like I don't have to kill you."
"I'm glad my Nat is back. Life got real boring without you bullying me."
"Note to self: be a raging bitch to Steve at all times."

He laughed again, and Natasha's brain said fuck it.

"Go out with me."
"What? Like right now? In the middle of our mission where we just nearly died?"
"You fucking dumbass I-"
"Stop no no, I'm joking. I'm joking. I would love to go out with you. And tease you about how long it took for you to ask."

Natasha was going to retaliate when they heard the air ship ahead, and made their way to the pick up spot. They were settled in their seats in the ship when Steve brought it back up.

"So date wise what we're you thinking?"
"Maybe the gym? You could use it."
"Oh funny, but I was thinking the spa. Yeah you're too tense."
"Oh screw you."

But Steve was laughing. And she was smiling.

"No, I was thinking picnic? Or is that too basic?"
"No for a first date that seems right."

And in her head, she just kept thinking 'first date of many ideally.'

Okay so my idea is that I'm gonna base every other chapter off of a song from my Romanogers playlist (it's linked in the description of the book). Ideally alternating between Steve's POV and Nat's but we'll see which inspires me more. So this is the first of those chapters, it's not great but oh well. Bonus points, though, if you can tell me what song it is. As always grammar, spelling, and ideas!!!

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