Blood Angel's Lies

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The Angel

To see the lies I have told

 Is to see me in full 

I am sorry

 I am sorry 

I am so sorry 

But why would you listen to an Angel's tethered words 

When all they've done was lie 

My mask has broken 

My bloodied wings have been revealed 

And you stand here with blades and sorrow charades 

I kneel here on cold ground 

I plead here to cold crowds

With your sorrowful faces and tearful eyes 

I don't want to lie 

But would you listen? 

To the Bloodied Angel's words

When they've only lied?

Strike me down

Chop off my head and let me die

For my words are all lies

Let my blood spill on your hands

Let my cries never be heard

As the only lie I've ever told was who I was

So I am here, On my knees

Begging, Pleading, asking for a second chance

Hear my cries and screams even though I ignored yours

Hear my Truth

Hear my abuse!

I never wanted to lie

I never wanted you to die

But how

How was I to tell the truth

When the truth was to harm you

How was I to tell the truth

When the truth would have been seen as bloodied lies

Why would you trust a blood Angel's words?

Why would you trust a blood Angel whose hands are covered and smothered in BLOOD!

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