We only see each other at our weddings and funerals 1/3

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On the 12th hour of the first day of
October 1989, 16 women around the
world gave birth.
This was unusual only in the fact that
none of these women had been
pregnant when the day first began.
Sir Reginald Hargreeves, eccentric
billionaire and adventurer, resolved to
locate and adopt as many of the
children as possible.
"Extraordinary! How much do you want
for it?"
He got 8.

Time skip to 2019:

A small tv in the corner lights the room in a blue hue taking a over the New York loft, the small room with vinyl on the wall, different posters and decorations scattered the wall unorganized. A groan fills the empty room as the door opens and lights up the room and a woman who looks around 29-30 walks in tiredly the sound of keys being thrown on the table and the sound of the bed moving from the woman falling on it.
The screen shows a old man wearing a monocle and a fancy suit with the news crawl reading in bold words
"Eccentric billionaire and founder of the umbrella academy Reginald Hargreaves dead at 63"

"Well shit."

At the academy:

A taxi drives up infront of the dark mansion, the door opens and the girl hops out before closing the door after thanking the driver and headed into her child hood home.
Oh yeah, she's number eight, also know as y/n.

The door creaking echos in the large grand hall, she walks in and closes the door behind her observing the room she's seen a million times.
Eight has a simple job , a simple life, well apart from having powers and being in a band which was the only way she could pay rent, her life wasn't bad but it wasn't good either,she didn't have luxury like her dear old dad but she was able to live to the next day and that's what really mattered.
Y/n was attired with a black long sleeve shirt with a blue large button up over it with baggy jeans along with converses, she also has a few accessories like rings and earrings. (You can make up the looks but her clothes match her personality but if you wanna change it that's fine.)
While she examined the room the door opens again, the same loud creaking echoed in the room, y/n turned around and was surprised to see her sister vanya.
(I know Elliot transitions and I promise I'll get to that ❤️)
Though y/n was glad to see her sibling, she knew the other siblings wouldn't have the same joy as her.
Before the two can greet eachother, someone else enters the room.
"Would you look at that" the two turned to see Allison in the door way
"Everyone was like taking bets on whether you'd show" Allison said causing a small smile to grow on y/n'a face "did you win?" Vanya asked which Allison shrugged at, she walked forward to hug the two, although it was awkward it was much appreciated and needed.
"I'm glad your here" Allison said to vanya but also to y/n which she appreciated.
"Least someone is" a new voice interrupted the moment getting louder and number 2 Diego walked down the stairs glaring at vanya and basically ignoring y/n.
"Eat shit, Diego" Allison insulted as y/n rolled her eyes "still a ass-hole I see?" She said smugly crossing her arms at the wanna be Batman.
"You're seriously defending her? After what she did?" Is he really doing this right now? Why show up if your gonna start mess?
" you're seriously gonna do this today? At dads funeral" Allison spat back in the same tone making y/n laugh in her head but decided she didn't wanna start a fight with a boy who plays with knives.
"Dad knew what she was." Diego snapped back
This boy need to be slapped upside the back of his head...
As he walks away vanya watches him leave with a sad expression on her face. Y/n felt bad for what vanya's going through but also understood Diego's anger.
Y/n has always been the one in the middle when it came to the family, what ever issues their mother couldn't fix, y/n would be there, think of a doctor and a nurse, that's was them for most of her childhood and she loved it.

While walking down memory lane in the halls of her childhood y/n hears a loud voice break through the silence "there's my favorite rockstar!" She knew that voice anywhere, she turns her head towards the direction of the voice and immediately ran toward her favorite brother klaus a hug
"Hey druggie" she joked as he ruffled her hair while holding her whole-heartedly "I see your fresh out of rehab" she said noticing the hospital band on his wrist
"Oh yeah, I couldn't miss dear ol' dads funeral" he said is his usual chilled-out tone
"Oh how's your little lover?" Klaus asked teasingly causing y/n to blush "it's been alright, we got to do a world tour, but we're talking it slow when it comes to..us."

The two walked into the memorabilia, klaus having his arm hang loosely over y/n's shoulders.
"You know what i love about funerals"
Klaus said shaw-shaying in the room and both Allison and luther looks surprised at the sudden voice and turned to look at him.
"Everything I own is black; if it isn't my baby sister, ooh, and the mighty space boy" klaus said noticing the two in the room while y/n tries holding in a laugh.

Timeskip bc this conversation gets boring:

After it was revealed that Luther thinks one of the siblings might have killed their father they all went their separate ways,
Did y/n hate her father? Yes, but if you told her to kill her father she wouldn't, sure he's a douche but if she killed him she wouldn't be any better than him.
Y/n opened the door of her childhood room revealing the room as it always had been, the door was decorated with flower stickers and a few drawings, the room was like the others but a bit messier, that trait about her stuck with her throughout her adulthood, her room would be messy but she knew where everything was and who really cares anyway.
While she was spaced out she was snapped out of it once she heard music playing from down the hall, it seemed to be coming from Luther's room she walked out the room dancing a little as she walked down the hall and soon found Klaus dancing by himself, this made her chuckle quietly catching the drug addicts attention and tried making her join him which made her laugh more.
The happy moments was soon interrupted by a loud bang, thunder vibrating the floor under their feet.

What the hell?

In what seemed to be a backyard, a blazing electromagnetic disturbance hover a few feet in the air as the group watched it not knowing what to do.
Klaus looks at it a immediately ran back inside making y/n looking back at him with disbelief.
"What is it?!" Vanya yelled over the sound of the hissing and crackling fireball.
"Get back don't touch it!" Luther yelled as well y/n rolling her eyes over his words.
After their bickering and klaus coming back to throw a fire extinguisher at the hole something came out of it, more like someone.
Smoke rises from his body as he straightens up, it's five, still the age he was when he left.
"Does anyone else see the little number five? Just me?" Klaus asked but got no answer and everyone looked at him in shock, especially y/n.

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