The girl scowled, "Well, we didn't ask you. Who are you anyway girl?"

"A handsome man once said it's common courtesy to introduce yourself first." Naruko answered smugly.

The girl fumed, before getting herself together, "I'm Kurotsuchi; the Tsuchikage's granddaughter."

"You're related to the Tsuchikage?" Naruto asked curiously.

The kunoichi smirked smugly, "Got that right, so who're you?"

"The name's Naruko. You and you're squad must be good to make it here." Naruko said.

"Oh, we're more than good," Kurotsuchi said, "We're the best in our village."

"I'll be hoping so when I see you guys in combat, hopefully." Naruto replied.

"You'll be sorry," Kurotsuchi said, before standing up and taking her food, "Let's eat back at our room." she told her teammates, who nodded and left with her.

Naruko continued to eat her lunch, until another voice spoke up, "Well, look what we have here." Naruko looked over and saw the Kumo shinobi she met before the Chunin Exams.

"Hey, it's you guys again. Nice to meet you made it." Naruko congratulated them.

Karui scowled, "Don't try and act all chummy with us, pal. We're not your friends."

Naruko gave her the stink eye at her rudeness, until Omoi spoke up, "Come on, Karui. Guy was just being nice."

"Don't defend him, Omoi!" Karui chided him.

"Karui, cool it!" Samui scolded her, and she shut up. She spoke to Naruko, "Once again, I apologize for Karui's rudeness."

"No harm done." he answered.

"So when did you get here?" Omoi asked.

"Yesterday." Naruko answered, leaving Omoi and Karui in shock.

"WHAT?!" they cried.

"You made it here before us?" Karui asked in disbelief.

"Whoa." Omoi gasped.

"The dangers in that forest were tough, but I just had to be tougher," she explained, before finishing his lunch, "Well, I'm heading back to my room. I'll see you all real soon." he left.

"I still can't believe she got here before we did." Karui grumbled.

"She must be better than she looks." Omoi suggested.

"We'll have to see it for ourselves." Samui said, as the three left.

Watching around the corner was a figure in a cloak, before he left. He walked into another room where Orochimaru was waiting, "Did you see her?" the rogue shinobi asked.

The figure removed his hood revealing to be Kabuto, "Yes. I don't understand how she was able to defeat you."

"I told you, the girl transformed into an alien species known as a Tetramand." Orochimaru explained.

"You still tell me these stories about aliens, and yet I have never seen one in my life." Kabuto said in skepticism.

"You were much too young to know about them, and by the time you came of age, the Plumbers had already shut down their operations here in the ninja land." Orochimaru explained.

"So what could allow Naruko to turn into this alien creature?" Kabuto inquired, while leaning against a wall.

"It has to be the famed device that came up so many times in Plumber's history... The Omnitrix."

Naruko 10Where stories live. Discover now