I couldn't make sense of the conversation anymore as my eyes widened in realization of where I was, my mind racing, causing me to look left of where I was sitting to confirm my thoughts.

Long beautiful black hair with uniquely crimson eyes that pierced me the moment I met them. My eyes refused to drift downwards due to our close proximity, but the sight of her face was enough to nearly make my heart skip a beat. Her expressionless face that began to form into a look of annoyance from the prolonged staring had me immediately turn away, lest I incur her ire.

Wait. If i'm sitting right next to her and the scene was happening in front of me... Then right beside me must be...


Brown hair and brown eyes with a fair complexion. Completely average in terms of unique characteristics, but the complete lack of emotions from his eyes was enough to make me uneasy on a first glance, having been caught off guard by the void there seemed to be within them, causing me to quickly look away on reflex.

There was no way. I couldn't possibly be... but I was! The exact scenario playing before me was exactly like the start of the series I had been keeping up with for the past few years and right beside me were two of the protagonists!

I was in "Classroom of the Elite"!

I had to really take a moment despite doing everything to confirm this wasn't a dream.

Did I die? This type of thing in stories happens after dying, doesn't it? How else would I have ended up in the very stories I read? This is what one would call an "isekai", right? I was just in my room though! This isn't right...

While still stuck in disbelief at my situation, the bus slowed to a stop as all the students made their way to exit. My own attire had somehow turned into the school uniform for Koudo Ikusei Senior High School, meaning I was somehow a student?

Either this is a weirdly convenient fever dream or someone up there really wants me at this school. And while my first instinct is to turn back from this school and to go to a normal high school, something tells me things are not that simple.

So naturally, I got off the bus with all the other students, keeping an eye on our main characters.

"I would advise you to keep your fish-eyes off of me if you wish to keep them?" a prickly voice sniped at me.

While my first instinct with that voice is to bite back due to my familiarity with verbal fights, I realized quickly that it wasn't Yukinoshita talking to me. Makes sense, since unlike Yukino, she was much more selfish and self serving.

It was, of course, Horikita Suzune, one of the two protagonists in Classroom of the Elite. She's a peculiar character with some contradictions that show just how twisted her pragmatism can be. She certainly was of the mindset of keeping strong allies together even if they were untrustworthy later on, but right now she was distancing herself as much as possible from everyone else, at least as far as the story was concerned.

"Are you deaf? I asked you a question and all you're doing is staring again." She seemed to be rather annoyed at me being lost in my own thoughts, but who could blame me? She was essentially a fictional character that was now standing as living flesh in front of me.

There were a lot of things that Zaimokuza would have to say about this, but the less I think about that big idiot, the better. Right now I had to figure out how to handle this girl who was beginning to lose her patience.

"Good grief... I simply mistook you for someone else. The similarities are rather uncanny, actually." I answered, taking another glance at her.

No doubt. On an initial glance she'd have the same beauty and air of superiority as Yukinoshita and that didn't exude the icy air she was now exuding in waves towards me, however.

My Elite Teen Romantic Comedy is Wrong As I ExpectedWhere stories live. Discover now