He confesses/Asks you to be his girlfriend

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It's been three weeks since (Y/n) has joined our group and my feelings for her have grown even more. So I've decided to tell her in private about how I feel about her. I have left her a note with a pretty flower early this morning to meet me by the pond after dinner, but I didn't put my name on it. Finally dinner was finished and I cleaned my plate and other stuff as I went to rush to the pond. upon arrival I noticed the moon lighting up (Y/n)'s beautiful (H/C) hair as the wind blew through it. I walked over as she noticed me and gave me one of her stunning smiles. "Hello Omi, is there something I can help you with," her sweet voice asked as I felt my face heat up. "U-umm why yes. I was the one that wrote the letter," I said shyly walking closer as I saw her slightly shocked. The butterflies in my tummy came back, but I continued to speak, "For some time now I just wanted to say I like you a lot and if you'd please be my girlfriend!" I closed my eyes after blurting out my feelings to the pretty female before me. I opened one eye and saw that (Y/n) had a big smile on her face as she got closer and she said, "I like you too, I'd be honored to be your girlfriend Omi." I couldn't hold this excitement in any more I did a happy dance as I heard her cute laugh.

Clay Bailey:

It has been a while since (Y/n) has joined us and everyone has gotten along with her perfectly. Recently for the past week I've been trying to tell (Y/n) how I feel, but every time I go to tell her it doesn't come out and I end up saying something completely different. Right now we're in one of the ruins in Greece hunting for the newly revealed wu and we found it until Chase Young and Jack Spicer showed up. Before either of the two could grab it, (Y/n) got it at the same time as Chase Young. They both were fighting for the wu and I watched in worry about (Y/n) because I didn't want her to get hurt. Next thing I know I was freaking out on the inside since that no good Chase knocked (Y/n) off. I ran for it leaving the group behind so I could catch her before she could hit the ground, I needed to protect (Y/n). Just in time a caught her in my arms as I felt relief come over me now that I know she's no longer in danger besides the little bruises from her showdown with Chase. She opened her beautiful (E/c) eyes as she saw me holding her as she flashed a small smile. "Thank you for catching me Clay," (Y/n) said and I the next few words just slipped out. I pulled her close and said, " (Y/n) I love you, please be my cowgirl?" I felt her wrap her slim arms around my neck hugging me as she let out a small laugh. "Of course I will Clay," after hearing those words have made me extremely giddy as I placed her back on her feet. In the end it doesn't matter that she lost, it matter's that she got out of that showdown safe.


I thought telling a girl you really liked how you felt was easy, well I was so very wrong. It's been five weeks since we've started hanging out and I've been trying to convey (Y/n) my feelings for her for the past four days, but man talk about a blabbering mess. Right as I believe I'm going to tell her, nonsense comes out of my mouth making me look like a complete idiot. Lost in deep thought about how I can tell (Y/n) how I feel while doing chores, yup you heard correct; I Raimundo the dragon warrior of wind actually doing his chores. Finishing the last of my chores washing a few dishes and looking out the windows and into the clouds. I could of sworn one looked like the beautiful angel I've been thinking nonstop about, until an idea finally hit me. Once I was done with the last one I ran out of the room to go outside and go near the garden. As always she was kneeling in the garden with her beautiful (H/l) (H/c) pulled back into a ponytail picking herbs while the sun bathed her soft looking (S/c). I took the chance and use my wind abilities to shape the clouds into words. Looking at it before going over to her and stood behind her. "Good afternoon (Y/n)," I said as she turned around giving me one of her smiles that I've come to love so much. "Hello Rai, you need anything?" She asked me as I shook my head in a no manner, but I pointed to the sky. She stood up brushing off the dirt on her clothes then looking to where I was pointing at as she read, "(Y/n) will you be my girlfriend? ~Raimundo." She looked at me as her face was light pink as she hugged me around my neck saying, "Of course I will Rai," before I could say something she went on and asked, "Was this what you've been trying to tell me the past few days?" I laughed a bit rubbing the back of my neck a little embarrassed shaking my head yes and I hugged her back. Once (Y/n) saw my reply to her question she let out the cutest giggle and all I could do is smile at my angel.

Jack Spicer:

I was pacing back and fourth racking my brain of ideas: not ideals for beating the monks, not for taking over the world, or new robots. I was trying to figure out a way to tell (Y/n) how I feel about her since it has been a month since we have started our evil partnership. Yeah I have been told that I am not the greatest with the girls, but I want to make it special and meaningful when I tell her. I wanted it to be different from all the other confessions other guys had made to any girl, because (Y/n) is just perfect and I do not want to blow my chances. Right now (Y/n) was with my little cousin Megan's in her room playing to keep her from getting into my stuff, she's so good with little kids and while thinking about it I find myself smiling. I finally hatched a plan to sweep (Y/n) off her feet as I ran to gather a bunch of roses from my mom's rose bush. Right about now Megan should be taking her nap and (Y/n) will be coming down to the basement to hang, on her way down I had my jackbots leave a rose a distance from each other with a small notes saying what I like about her and by time she gets here I will give her a white rose as I tell her I love her. Right on que the door opens and I watch her walk down the stairs carrying 15 red roses and she looked me in the eyes slightly red in the face. "Jack what's the meaning of this," she asked as I handed her the final rose and in red pen said, " I love you (Y/n)." Her beautiful (E/c) eyes widen as I finally asked, "Will you please be my girlfriend?" I was waiting for her answer, slightly scared of hearing no I heard something be placed on the table and then being hugged and giggling. "You're so sweet Jack, I would love to be your girlfriend," I was so happy so I picked her up a bit hugging her spinning her around while her (P/n) was sitting and watching slightly confused.

Chase Young:

Whatever man said it was easy to express your feelings to a female lied, it's one of those easier said than done type of things. I was sitting in my throne chair thinking while (Y/n) was dipping her feet in the water surrounded by her (F/a)s and my animals laying around relaxing. I watched her as she was relaxing and gently petting the one's near by her with a smile that would put an angel's smile to shame. I was growing annoyed with myself for not thinking of how to tell her how I feel. For most of the day I was keeping to myself lost in my thoughts. After the both of us finished eating dinner I was meditating trying to come up with an idea. I heard light footsteps walk behind me and kneel down behind me. "What seems to be bothering you all day Chase," (Y/n) asked taken notice to my abnormal behavior today. "I have just been thinking about something that I seem unable to find the solution to," I said answering her question without giving too much away. I heard her light laughter as if something was funny as I felt a light pressure on my left shoulder as I looked slightly to see (y/n) resting her chin there as I looked the other way since her beautiful face was close to mine. Then as if reading my mind she said, "You know Chase, if you wanted tell me something you can just say it instead of being complex." I was surprised, was it that obvious that I was thinking that much of how to tell her. I took a breath and just say it "(Y/n) for some time I have become very fond of you, would you do me the honors for being mine and standing by my side?" I looked over to her face as held a sweet smile as she said, "Of course I will be your's, and if I did not want to stand by your side you think I would of stayed here this long dear?" I smirked, as always (Y/n) has to say some smart remark, but that is one of many reasons why I love her. I let out a chuckle before placing a kiss upon her forehead.

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