Chapter 15: Invasion Finale

Start from the beginning

(Ground Level)

Flash was thrown into a car and he quickly moved out of the way when Wonder Woman rushed at him, "Diana, stop!" Flash said and dodged multiple punches from Wonder Woman, Flash blasted Wonder Woman with lightning, "I'm having a tough time with Wonder Woman, anyone else doing better?" Flash said and charged at Wonder Woman.

(Sky Level)

Green Lantern had Martian Manhunter in a cage but he was phased through it and punched her sending her back several feet "Not really, I'm getting my ass get by J'ohn." Green Lantern said and blasted Martian Manhunter then formed a hammer and hit him with it, Martian Manhunter then used his telepathy to psychically attack Green Lantern "Damnit!" Green Lantern said in pain but then Stag fired at Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern smiled "Scratch that, I'm doing fine." Green Lantern said and petted Stag.


Superman was slammed into the ground by Batman, Superman lasered Batman off him and he flew up but Red Hood shot several Kryptonite rounds into Superman's back, Superman then grabbed the giant penny and threw it at Red Hood, he quickly dodged out of the way and Robin managed to jump in the air and cut Superman, he grabbed Robin and threw him into Red Hood, Spoiler threw a Kryptonite bomb into Superman's face blinding him and Batman punched him into a wall "He's weakened, but we can't keep this up." Batman said and Superman charged at him and ripped him out of the suit and threw him into the Batmobile.

(Brainiac's Ship)

Deadpool was teleporting dodging Brainiac's lasers and threw a flash bang in his face, Nightwing then got Brainiac's back and stunned him, Black Bat kneed him in the face and Deadpool got an idea "Babe, keep distracting the overgrown nerd, I have a wicked plan." Deadpool said and Black Bat nodded, Deadpool then teleported into Brainiac's chair and sat down "Okay, here we go." Deadpool said and the tendrils connected Deadpool into the ship, Brainiac saw this and was angry "NO!" Brainiac said but Nightwing threw his escrima-stick at him, Deadpool's eyes went wide as he was sucked into the ship's network.

(Ship's Database)

Deadpool was in an white space and saw three devices "That must be what's controlling Superman and them." Deadpool said and walked up to them "But not anymore." Deadpool said with grin and made a hammer appear out of nowhere and started destroying the devices "I should get two giant hammers, this is fun!" Deadpool said and continued bashing.


Superman had Batman by the throat and was about to snap his neck but stopped and dropped Batman, he rubbed his throat and saw Superman kneeling beside "Are you okay, Bruce?" Superman asked and Batman nodded "I'll be fine...glad you're back." Batman stated and the others looked at them "So back to normal?" Red Hood asked and Superman smiled "Back to normal." Superman said and flew out the cave.

(Ground Level)

Flash had blasted lightning at Wonder Woman and she was knocked to the ground, Flash kneeled and saw she was back to normal "Barry, what happened?" Wonder Woman asked and Flash helped her up "Brainiac happened, but now you're back." Flash explained and Superman landed in front of them "Hey Clark, going to Brainiac's ship?" Flash asked "Nothing gets by you Barry." Superman said and flew to the ship.

(Brainiac's Ship)

Deadpool got out of the chair and stretched "That was...somehow relaxing." Deadpool said and the ship started glowing red "Warning: Ship collaborations falling. Crash: Imminent." Brainiac was shocked and grabbed Deadpool "You...insect!" Brainiac said and ripped Deadpool's head off and tossed the body, Black Bat saw this and was shocked "Alex!" Black Bat said and Nightwing slid under Brainiac and threw a batarang at his face, Nightwing then picked up Deadpool's body and head "I got you." Nightwing said then the ship started falling and Black Bat stayed next to them whilst they were falling.


The ship had crashed and everyone was searching for Nightwing, Black Bat and Deadpool, Superman hovered in the air and used his X-ray vision to see through the wreckage, he saw Nightwing pinned down and he lifted the beam off of him "Thanks Superman, but where's-" Nightwing said but Flash had pulled Black Bat out from the wreckage, "Where's Alex?" Black Bat asked and Deadpool's decapitated body pulled itself from the wreckage and started walking around looking for it's head "Over here!" Deadpool said and they looked to see his head standing up from the rumble "God I hate having my head ripped off." Deadpool said and Black Bat picked him up "You saved the world Alex." Black Bat said and Deadpool smiled "Yeah, I did, didn't I?" Deadpool said and his body tripped over Superman "Oh for, not even close dummy!" Deadpool said and Black Bat chuckled and Batman walked up to them both "You did good Deadpool...I would like you to stop more things like this...with the team." Batman said and Deadpool's eyes widened "You want be on the team?" Deadpool asked and Batman nodded "Yes...we could use your...prowess." Batman said and Deadpool grinned "Very well...I will join." Deadpool said and his body finally made it over to him and placed him back on "Gah! That's always painful." Deadpool said then he and Batman shook hands, then Stag landed and Deadpool walked over to him "C'mon Stag, we got to get grandma and do some packing!" Deadpool said and hopped on Stag's back and started flying.

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