Chapter 3: Reoccurance

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All right, screw me right now. People, I warned you guys that I'm a slow updater (and when I say slow, I mean slow.) How long has it been? I don't know, but enough of my BS, enjoy this crapola of an update.

I had always thought that when you were facing death, your last thoughts would be something on the lines of "Goodbye world." or something cool, like, "Well, it was fun while it lasted." Or maybe a simple confession you've bottled up inside you for the last 11 years of your life, hoping to God that no one found out that you were the one who ate the last piece of the Boston Creme Pie or it was you that slammed your bedroom door on your sister's nose. What I was thinking was no where on the lines of the cliche movie scripts. All I could reasonably process through my one-track mind was-


I muttered more incoherent curse words to myself, hating Tee right now and her damn dirty laundry that should be burned by hell fire. My head slowly turned to the right, my mind hoping and just wishing my eyes were playing tricks on me.

When I could see enough to be considered recognizable sight, I saw the white shadow follow my exact movements, just like a regular shadow should. When I lifted an hesitant arm, the shadow followed; the same thing happened when I turned my body fully towards it.

Just from observing it, it looked like it didn't do much harm. I wasn't harmed nor perished of fatal injuries, the shadow was following my every move. Nothing was wrong, really.

Except the fact that I still have no idea on what the hell is this thing. It looks like a shadow, so I'm calling it a shadow, problem solved.

"What the . . . ?" I muttered, my mind still wrapped around the fact there was a white shadow in front of me. "This is so . . . " I said, but slowly stuttered each word in complete awe. This . . . thing, was definitely not native to Earth, considering the fact that it looked-


I swear I gave myself whiplash when I swiftly turned around, completely shocked at who spoke. "You!"

The boy from the street smirked cockily, shifting his crossed arms and leaned on the inside of the opened elevator. His eyes glinted with amusement and I frowned upon seeing that he was enjoying my distress. "Yes, it's me."

Before I could respond, the boy looked behind me with no interest, acting like it was normal to him. "Keawright, get off of Constantine's shadow."

At this rate, my neck's gonna snap just from turning my head alone. I watched as the white shadow named "Key-right", whatever its name is, slowly dispersed itself off my shadow and slithered onto the carpeted flooring. In blissful awe, the shadow then formed into a little girl, looking roughly a year younger than me. Her eyes were a shimmering gold, with specks of dark brown and red, giving them a wolfish flair. She had a light-brown pixie haircut, with little horns sprouting from her head and-

Wait, horns?

"Umm . . ." I started to say that to "Key-right", but failed miserably. I watched as she crossed her arms and pouted to the boy. "Aww, no fair D-Cross!"


"Keawright, we have to go." D-Cross said. He glanced towards me, "Sorry to have bothered you. We'll be leaving."

"But wait! D-Cross! She could be Marshal-"

Keawright was interrupted by D-Cross, "Not. Now." he said in a menacing tone of voice. I shivered at how deadly he uttered those two simple words.

I noticed how his eyes were turning a golden color every time he had gotten angry, or was annoyed, and whenever he was playing around, his eyes would turn back to their normal hue.

D-Cross glanced at me, eyes softening and (for a slight second) full of love, before they turned hard again. "D-Cross, right?" I said, cautiously relaxing my tense shoulders and moved a bit closer to him. The boy nodded, "Yeah, that's my name."

Alright, onto interrogation.

"C-could I speak with you for a second?" I asked, squirming a bit. Geez, I look like a wimp. But I am going for that kind of look before I go for the kill.

D-Cross hesitated, before nodding his head, then looked behind me, "Keawright, stay here." He paused, pushing off the interior of the elevator wall, and gave a hard glare to her, "Or else." The girl stuck out her tongue and pouted.

Inwardly, I thought to myself that this would be easy. All I have to do is to corner him, talk to him, and if he doesn't cooperate, maybe seduce him a little-

Okay, screw that idea. That's going for my last resort; there is no way in hell that I'm gonna shove my girls up in his face when I just found the guy's name not even three minutes ago.

Just remembering what happened made me shiver and chuckle at the same time. If only I knew in that moment that the stars of heavan had already decided my fate and destiny and all that other bullcrap, then I wouldn't be in this position right now. And right now ain't my cup of tea.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2013 ⏰

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