But he push me instead...

"How dare you do that huh.. that too infront of me"

"Yeah so"

"You dare disobey me" he lean closer

"Yeah" i lean too

"Are you sure" he again lean closer

"So sure" i lean totally and suspress a smile seeing his mad face..

"Then......." He back away and smirk

"As a boss, Go bring me my coffee"

I smirk

"I guess you forgot, your work.. will start from tomorrow, not from today so I am just a guider for you..." I cheekily smile..

I hear him murmur something under his breath before he roll his eyes going away


Before I can even complete my words... He cover my mouth with his veiny hands


I wiggle my brows at him.... He give me his death glare which was hot as fuck...

"Don't. Call. Me. That. Infront. Of everyone " he gritted his teeth and tell me

"Oh okay... That means I can call you when we are alone" i said winking at him...

He stare at me for some sec eyeing me up and down...

"What? Am I that beautiful that you can't take yours eyes off me"

"The way you wearing dress is fully Unprofessional, your behaviour is worst... Behave yourself young lady if you want to work here.. i hate these types of girls who don't behave" he spat at me with hatred in his voice which make me a little down

"Don't fucking follow me"

After he said those words he walk away...

End of y/n pov:

After he gone... Y/n sigh and strech her hands..

"Aishhhh thisssss boy.. sometimes check my patience"

She unknowingly smile remembering about time she spent with him min ago...

"I won't give up on you boy... Not this fast"

She smirk before turning her heels and going to his office...

When she reach their she stop on her track when she heard some noises coming from inside the office...

"Dad this girl whatever her name is... She is so I'll mannered and disguting, I can't work with her... Tell her to behave or else fire her"

"Son... You don't know her properly -...

"I don't even wanna know about that girl..

"You shouldn't say things like this taehyung, this is what I taught you"

"Dadddddd I am not being like this... You only think,does someone behave with their boss like this"

"How she behave?"

"She behave......she b-behave all pervert"

Y/n lightly snort by his childishness...

"Aish Taehyung It's like you are some 5 year old kid complaining about someone to your father... You are now grew up, you should take your choice yourself... So deal this yourself"

Y/n hear his small whinnes making her chuckle lightly...

She knock the door...

"Come in"

Mr kim said.... Y/n open the door and enter inside..

When taehyung see who it was, he just look away not glancing at her...

Mr kim give a sly smirk at y/n and wink at her knowing what is cooking inside her brain...

Y/n smile crazily too and wink back at him...

"So Taehyung I guess you know everything now... So you can go"

"Glad to hear" taehyung said and turn around facing y/n...

He just walk paas by her when
Y/n intentionally bump her shoulder with his making him trip...

She grab him by waist and innocently look at him

"What happened Kim Taehyung, walk properly" after that she give a small smirk at him

Taehyung immediately push her

"Pathetic" he whispered before going away...

Y/n chuckle at him...

To be continued.......

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