Chapter 13.7: Island Exam III Feat. Kiyotaka's First Cousin

Start from the beginning

Damn it. Sucks to be third-wheeler... I better change the subject.

"Nothing of that sort, Koenji-san. I just thought that her idea is brilliant and all. I mean Shiba-kun has a sharp mind, but for her to have the same idea as him is a great feat. Wouldn't you say, Koenji-san?" I asked.

I'm sorry for bringing your name up, Shiba-kun. I mentally apologized.

"Of course! He is my boyfriend after all."

Ara~, how possessive. Shiba-kun from the side was scratching the side of his head seemingly embarrassed. Cute.

After a few minutes of spectating, Koenji-san rushed out of the forest and grumpily walked ahead of us.

"Rokusaki, wait!"

Is she going to do what I think she'll do?

In one swift motion Shiba-kun managed to halt and calm Koenji-san who I assume was about to pound Ryueen Tenka without any hesitation.

After calming her down, we came out from the bushes and walked to the beach. One of the male students noticed us, and called out to another male student nearby. We couldn't see her face too well, since she was leaning over in her chair. One of the boys rushed over to us.

"Yo, Shiba. Ryuuen-san has requested your presence," he said and pointed at
Shiba-kun. Judging by the intensity of his glare, he is either jealous of him or he is just hostile because he is from another class.

And since Shiba-kun is a pretty boy who got kissed by a tyrant, I'll go with the former.

"No! There's no way in hell I'll let Kiyotaka-kun go and have a conversation alone with that girl!" Geez, what an over jealous girlfriend Shiba-kun have.

I mean, I'm not expert when it comes to romantic stuff but I do understand what Koenji-san is currently feeling. But if I were Koenji-san, I wouldn't hesitate and put faith on Shiba-kun even just once in a while.

"It's okay, Rokusaki. We can just go together, right? We don't need to follow her orders, after all."

I followed Shiba-kun and Koenji-san approach Ryueen.

I started looking around my surroundings and count the students present. Shiba-kun had also warned me last night that she wasn't the only student from Class D that was sent to spy other classes.

"Getting cocky already after climbing to Class B in a month, am I right Shiba?" Ryueen, tanned and clad in a purple bikini, spoke as she laid back in her chair.

"Kiyotaka-kun, don't look," Koenji-san said as he covered Shiba-kun's eyes with her hand.

Speaking of which, Ryueen's body is really good, well-trained and well-developed that you can sometimes mistake her as an idol or a model. Not to mention the way her body was built rivaled or is even on par with
Koenji-san's body.

Her soft thighs, probably a G Cup chest, and sexy body can make almost every men accept if she ever confess to someone. Though, I highly doubt Shiba-kun will accept it if she confess, either fake or genuine.

[For now. And think of Ryueen's avatar as Ei. Huhuhu.]

"How so?" Shiba-kun replied with his eyes covered, not moving the hand a single inch. "I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything to earn that accusation, no?"

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