Chapter 5

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They have now moved into the room that Janus died in and are setting up for the estase method ( the person doing it is blind folded and are wearing headphones. The person doing this will say out loud whatever they hear on the headphones meanwhile the other people ask questions making the answers 100% accurate.)

" ok we have moved into Janus's room and are setting up for the estase method." Colby said setting the camera down revealing Sam who is sitting in a chair getting ready to do the estase method

Sam is now down putting everything on and is ready to start

" alright I am ready to go" said sam a little excited to see what they can discover

" ok sam how many fingers am I putting up?" celina said obviously knowing that sam can't see or hear anything right now

Sam didn't say anything

" alright sam is ready" said kris celina bringing a smile on her face after what she did

" ok Janus if you are hear we would like to talk to you or any other spirit that is willing to talk" Colby said starting the round of question they would ask

After I couple seconds sam

" here"-Sam

" alright is this Janus or another spirit" asked kris

" janus" -Sam

" why did you say sam's name" asked celina after confirming that it was Janus

" sam" - sam

" yes that is his name why did you say it?" Colby asked again

" important " -Sam

" Sam is important to you!?" Asked celina a little shocked and confused

Colby was feeling more uneasy by the second he just knew something was going to happen. Meanwhile the other three started discussing the new pice of information they just received they didn't notice that Sam started to squirm around in the chair. Eventually rocking back and forth in it.

( the next few parts are what Sam was feeling slash hearing during the estase method so everything will be from Sam pov to until I say so)

When I finished putting on everything that I needed I stated feeling that something was starring at me. I just shrugged it off. At first it was normal but soon as I was finishing what I was saying I started hearing another voice. I got a little freaked out but not enough to quit so I just kept going. Then I didn't hear anything but the other voice I was hearing so I just stay their listening in outer shock as it was telling me to follow him. He was telling me to follow his voice which wiredly enough i could sense that it was coming from the basement. The voice was getting stronger by the second and I just couldn't resist the urge to follow it. Almost like I felt like I NEEDED to follow it. That's when I got up and the rest was a blur until..

Sam pov is over now we will go back to the other three

After not figuring out why Sam is important to Janus they decided that they should stop discussing because it was getting them no where.

" ok we should probably tell Sam that we are don-." Before Colby could finish he was startled at the sound of a loud bam 💥

Sam got up from the chair and quickly took the blind fold and the headphones off and started to look atound the room almost delirious. He was frantically trying to look for something but the three of them didn't know what

" hey Sam you ok?" Asked Colby concern laced in his voice

The only this Sam said was

" he wants me to follow him"

Before he stated walking further away from them. They tried to stop him but nothing would convince him to stop. He would always reply that he needed to go somewhere

" hey Sam you ok you don't look to good" asked kris worried about her friend

Sam just said that he needed to go somewhere and he managed to avoid all of his friends trying to get him back to his senses

Colby was dying now he understood why he was feeling so uneasy. Colby was worried for Sam because his best friend got possessed but he thought the the uneasiness that he was feeling would go away now that he knew what was the problem right? but he couldn't be more wrong.

That is it for today hope you enjoyed😁

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2022 ⏰

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