"You told Robin and Steve." (Y/N) pointed out. 

"That's because I had to."

"Robin." (Y/N)'s attention switched over to Robin. She looked like she was about to start sweating as she tried to avoid (Y/N)'s gaze. "Robin Buckley look at me." 

"No thanks, Mom. I choose life." Robin squatted down next to Steve behind the counter. Max soon caught on and did the same. 

"Ugh, guys!" (Y/N) walked up to the counter and bent over the counter to reach for them. I snickered to myself as I watched it play out, but my attitude changed as soon as my eyes caught onto (Y/N)'s ass sticking up in the air. Seeing her bent over that counter played tricks on my mind, making me drool at the dirty thoughts that swarmed my head. 

"Eddie!" Hearing her scream my name made it worse.

"Yes, darling?" I asked in my hypnotic state. I was mesmerized from my view. It was picture perfect. The only thing that would make this even better was if she wasn't wearing anything and were were back at her house. Maybe I could have her-

"Eddie, are you paying attention?" I shook my head and looked over at (Y/N) who was now off of the counter and giving me a look. 

"Um, y-yeah. What's up?" I was absolutely lost. How long was she standing there for? 

"Juliet is on a date!" (Y/N) sounded conflicted, not knowing whether she should be happy or go into protective sister mode. I'm guessing she went with both. 

"A date? With who?" A part of me agreed with (Y/N) and felt slightly protective over Juliet. 


"Henderson?!" I almost screamed from the amount of shock that took over me. What in the hell were those two going on a date for?

"When? Why? Where? How? Tell me everything!" (Y/N) told Max. 

"Look what you did, Robin." Max rolled her eyes.

"She scared it out of me!" Robin defended herself. 

"Weak!" Steve called Robin out. Robin glared at Steve before turning back towards the conversation. 

"They left not that long ago. I guess she forgot to call you and tell you that she was going to be with me longer. Um, they're over at the bowling alley." Max tried to recall all of the details that I'm guessing Juliet told her. 

"How did they get to the bowling alley?" I cut in.

"My buddy Steve." Robin smirked as she threw her arm around his shoulders, knowing he was about to get shit on. 

"Steve!" (Y/N) yelled in shock. 

"Woah, woah, woah." He threw his arms up as he shrugged Robin off of him. "I was just trying to help."

"My little sister is on a date!" (Y/N) whined. 

"She's on a date with Dustin. What's the worst that could happen? I mean it's Dustin Henderson for god's sake." Steve leaned on his forearms onto the counter, which turned out to be a big mistake. (Y/N) stepped forward and grabbed his tie, pulling him in closer to her face.

"I swear Harrington if something happens to my little sister, I'm coming after you." (Y/N)'s voice was deep and dangerous, somehow turning me on once more. What is wrong with me?

"Why me?" Steve looked terrified as he looked into (Y/N)'s deadly eyes. 

"You sent her on that date. If Dustin breaks her heart, you're both dead. Do you understand?" She hissed. 

"Y-yes. Okay, okay, I understand." (Y/N) let go of his tie and he stood back up, fixing his shirt as he took a deep breath. "Thanks for the help, cowards." Steve mumbled over to Max and Robin. 

I smirked over at (Y/N), feeling proud for this side of her to finally come out. It was always nice seeing her protect the ones she loved and she never backed down from a fight. She's truly amazing. 

"I think we should go bowling." (Y/N) announced. 

"No way." Steve butt in. (Y/N) gave him a look, asking, no - begging him to try her. "No way am I missing out!" Steve corrected himself. 

"Awesome! I'll wait while you guys clean up." (Y/N) smiled innocently at the three as they looked at her in a weird way, not knowing how to approach their next move. "Steve can I talk to you real quick?" 

Steve hesitated as he looked over at Robin and Max. Robin nudged him, making him start his slow walk around the counter and over to (Y/N). 

"Yes?" Steve asked cautiously, not wanting to piss her off more. 

"Before we go, we need to get this over with." (Y/N) grabbed onto Steve's arm and pulled him to stand in front of me. We made eye contact, not knowing what was happening. "I want you both to apologize to one another." 

"But-" I tried to get out of the awkwardness. 

"Nope." (Y/N) plainly said before walking off to help Robin and Max. I sighed and looked back over at Steve who seemed to feel the same way I did. 

"Um." Steve rubbed the back of his neck as he avoided eye contact. "I have been meaning to say that I'm sorry. I didn't mean to kiss (Y/N). It was honestly a mistake." 

I stood there in silence, remembering the night like it had just happened. I folded my arms across my chest as I waited for more. 

"I hope you can forgive me." That sounded extremely forced. Even Steve seemed to cringe from the words. "I also want to apologize for calling you names and saying all that stuff. I was drunk and stupid."

"And I'm sorry for beating your ass." Steve glared at me and before I knew it, I was wincing in pain from (Y/N) smacking my arm. 

"Ow, babe, what the hell?" I complained as I rubbed my arm. 

"A serious apologize, please." I groaned as she stayed beside me, waiting to hear what I had to say. 

"I should've taken it a different route. I'm sorry for beating- I mean fighting you." I looked down at (Y/N) to see if that was better. She scrunched up her nose, telling me that it was good enough. 

"Now, are we good? Can we all be friends again?" (Y/N) asked as Robin and Max came over to join us. 

"Yeah, I don't-"

"Great, sounds perfect. Let's go bowling." (Y/N) cut me off. I opened my mouth to stop her, but she yanked me out of Family Video and over to her car. 

This should be fun.


Author's Note

I just wanted to add this cute little filler before tomorrow. I have no idea how big of a mess I'm going to be, but after seeing Noah's post on Instagram I already know I'm going to be sobbing my heart out. 

Sadly, I won't be staying up, so I'm going to wake up early to watch the episodes. Hopefully I won't be too tired. Then I'll have a good ole cry in the shower :)) sounds like tomorrow will be ~eventful~ to say the least!

Juliet and Dustin?! How does everyone feel?

I love you all and, again, good luck soldiers <3 

- E

Falling for The Freak (Eddie Munson)Where stories live. Discover now