Birthday Surprise

Start from the beginning

Me: Okay Bye.I hang up before he can get another word out.I guess Ill  have to take myself. I grab my keys, wallet, and my cellphone; and head out to my car.

~At the Mall~

Once I get to the mall I go to my favorite store "Forever 21".I was coming out of the "Forever 21" and bumped into someone.

Me: I'm so sor-I stopped what I was saying when I looked up and saw one person I did not ever want to see anymore; My ex-boyfriend Killa.

Killa: Hey Baby long time no see

Me: Hiiiiii Killllaaa *Stuttering*I turn around and walk away. But he started to call my name "Kaley" "KALEY"I started running after that, but by the time I got to my car he was behind me.He pushed me up against the car holding my wrists tight.

Killa: BITCH WHY YOU  RUN  FROM ME, SEE THAT'S WHY I USED TO ALWAYS PUT MY HANDS ON YO DUMB ASS"he said in a whisper/yell with his teeth clenched.

Me: I'm sorry

Killa: On you sorry alright, you is a sorry ass Bitch.

He looks around before dragging me toward his car, he put me in the passenger's seat ;I was so scared, that i did not realize i was crying;Killa got into the car and looked at me and Slapped me. 

Killa: You see what you made me do. Why did you run from me.Huh?

Me: Cause I was scared of you

KIlla: And? He starts punching me in my face over and over again. I begin to holler "STOP, PLEASE"; After that I black out.

Kayla P.O.V

After me and Aaron got done from shopping.We went to my favorite burger shack. When we got their we went and fought a booth sitting across from each other.Aaron kept making jokes and had me laughing.The waitress came to our table to take our orders.But she was more interested in Aaron then she was in taking our order.

Waitress: Hey, How can I help you. she was staring Aaron down 

Aaron:i'll like to have a burger with onion rings on the side, and a sprite. And my GIRLFRIEND will like to have the same with French Fries and a Pepsi on the side thank you.I looked at Aaron and laughed The waitress walked away from the booth.Aaron and I busted out laughing.

Me: did you see how dissapointed she was.

Aaron: Yeah.But she should have respected my Girlfriend

Me:I'm not your Girlfriend because you haven't even asked me out yet.

Aaron: Okay.Kayla Stone Will You Go Out With Me

Me: Yes Aaron.He smiled so widely then he leaned over the table bringing his lips closer to mine, I leaned in to but my phones starts to ring making Aaron sit back down in his seat.I took my phone out my purse and answered.

Me: Hello 

Unknown: Hello Is this Kayla Stone

Me: Yes, and who am i speaking to?

Unknown:This is Miami Hospital. Your sister Ms. Kaley Stone has been brought here.We need you to come so we can  get your information , and your permission to do surgery

Me: Um Okay.<Crying> What happen to her?

MH: We will tell you when you get here.

Me:Okay I'm On my way<I hang up the phone while getting up>

Aaron: Baby what's going on

Me: <Crying> Kaley is in the Hospital 

Aaron: What happen is she okay?

Me: I don't know I  need to go.

Aaron: Okay.come on<We get into the car>While riding down the highway I busted out crying and Aaron said "Aye Ma its  going to be okay".

(At The Hospital)

We pulled up at the Hospital, we got out and walked to the desks to ask the women at the desk Kaley's room number.

WAD<Women At Desk>

Me:Excuse Me ma'am can I have Kaley Stone's room number please?

WAD: Yes sweetheart, how do you know the patience?

Me: I'm her sister

WAD: Okay.<She types something on her computer for a while>Room number 305 on the third floor

Me: Thank You<Walking towards the elevator,  with Aaron right behind me>When we get close to Kaley's room, I opened the door and saw my sister beaten so bad. She had black eyes, and a busted lip, she had black and blue bruises all over her body.When I saw her I started to cry, Aaron pulled me into his chest rubbing my back. Once I calmed down Aaron let me go, I walked over to my sister, sitting in the chair beside her bed. Aaron walked out the room because his phone started ringing. The machine that was hooked up to her was beeping. I wanted to know what happen to her.  I'm just hoping that her ex-boyfriend didn't find her he was so abusive.While I was in my thoughts, I heard movement I looked up and it was Kaley she had her eyes open and was looking around.

Me: Oh my gosh Kaley are you okay?

Kaley: Um.Water.

Me: Oh Okay.Let me go get the nurse.

I made my way out into the hallway looking for a nurse. A nurse came up to me asking "Do you need something ma'am?

Me: Yeah.My sister wants to know if she could get a cup of water

Nurse: Sure Sweetheart

Me: Thank You.I walked back into her room, she was just sitting there. I walked over there to her. When I touched her she jumped and started crying. I just hugged her and cried with her. 

Kaley: Kayla.He's Back!!!

Me: Who's  back Kaley?

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