Say My Name And Everything Just Stops

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I grin and coax him to bed, "get under here now Evans".

"Yes ma'am"

We first opt for Miracle on 34th Street before moving onto Home Alone. Chris putting a video on Instagram and having his phone blow up immediately with likes and comments.

It's not common knowledge that we're back together. He rarely gets pictured here which is nice as this time around I feel more relaxed. I don't have to keep look over my shoulder for a photographer or worrying about whether what I wear will make people think I'm pregnant or something.

The comments are soon coming in though.

I see another person!

Who's the girl?

Dodgeeeeeeer! 💙

Looks so snug! 😍😍😍

Guys, I think he's got another girlfriend 😭

Dodger looking cute as hell 💙🥰

Stop with the girlfriend comments 🙄 if he has then he has!

I want to have a Saturday like this! With you of course 😏😉

My phone goes off and it's Lexie wanting to video call. I answer and immediately she's got her mouth open on realising where I am. "You're in the damn instagram pic!"

"She's in my damn bedroom". Chris calls out to her smugly

"Ahhhhhh! It's him!!!!"

"I love how you instantly called me to see if I was here" I grin and pop a piece of pancake into my mouth.

Lexie now explodes. "Seriously what the actual fuck! How long's this been going on?"

"What the movie? An hour or so..."

"I meant when the hell did you get back together, I mean, if you are? Wait are you guys friends with benefits?!"

"Few weeks ago" I confirm.

"Aaaaaaaahhhh!" She screams again, "everyone's freaking out".

"Let them, they'll soon realise it's me anyway, I got a picture of dodger in his little winter walkie coat yesterday which I'm gonna put up later - it's damn cute".

On hearing the word 'walkie', Dodger is now pushing himself in between me and Chris excitedly.

Lexie groans, "ugh! I never thought I could love a dog so much!"

"You can be added to the list of the many girlfriends he has".

Dodger is now excited at the prospect of a walk and Chris eventually gets up and takes him out for a little while. I turn back to the screen and Lexie is grinning. "Ok, he may have been an asshole but you guys are how's it all going?"

I fill her in on everything, including what he said to me that evening at the hotel. "Woah! Wait! He said that he'd propose!"

"At the time I think it was in the heat of the moment but..."

"No! No that's just...ok that's big, and you said that you'd say no if he had?"

I nod, "after everything? Yeah..."

"Logical I suppose, so do you think it'll work this time around?"

I lay back against the pillows, "I's different this time, we have more privacy, he's doing all he can to show me that he won't do what he did again, and I guess that I know he won't. He doesn't wanna fuck it up and I do believe him."

Lex is silent for a moment. "What if he proposes at Christmas?"

"He wouldn't"

"No but what if he did? Would you say no to him then?"

I laugh, "I know he wouldn't because I know he'd want to make it special. Like have a day for it to remember rather than it just being Christmas - fuck sake why am I even talking to you about this? We've only been back together for a few weeks, we need to get back on track and enjoy one another again. Get to a place where we're stable and stuff".

"You both look pretty stable to me". She smirks and nods. "Anyway when you coming back to see us all?"

"End of next week, I was gonna show up at the office to surprise you guys but I may as well tell you".

She lets out an excited squeak. "Eee! I'll let the girls know, anyway I'll let you go and stir shit even more on Instagram. This is gonna be soooo good!"

"Don't count on it, I'll probably get hate comments and death threats in my messages".

"It's called a delete button. In the words of our wise ruler, Taylor Swift, 'Haters gonna hate'".

I smile, "I'll see you next week babe".

"Can't waaaait!" She says and we end the call.

I post the picture of Dodger from yesterday to my Instagram and within seconds the comments are starting.

Chrisevans: 💙

Omg!!!!  😱

Knew she was with him!

Are you guys back together?!!!!!

Ultimate dog mom 😍

Yep, Dodger content is now taking over this account! 😂 and I'm here for it! X

Look at his little coat! 😭 I just can't!

Chris gets back soon after and climbs back into bed with me, pulling me under the covers. "Posting Dodger content now? Gonna have to pay the fee to use his face Irving".

"And what's the fee?" I smirk as he now whispers all the things he's going to do to me every time I post Dodger onto my Instagram. "Hmmm, we'll that's a fee I'm willing to pay, just tell me when you want it".

"Now Irving, you are paying that fee right now..."

Wildest Dreams - A Chris Evans StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang