Staring at the Sunset

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"So?" Ang is literally on me as I walk through the office door later on. "Tell us!"

"Geez, give me time to sit down!" I laugh and take a seat at my desk - immediately being surrounded by the girls. "Y'know what? I don't think I'm gonna tell you".

Jen rolls her eyes. "If you don't, you're not leaving this office alive" she threatens.

I sit back and tap the top of my pen against the desk. "Well...he's seriously thinking about putting in an offer on Laurel Canyon".

"Called it". Ang smirks, "And 'he'? Well it seems like it narrows it down to all the a-list men in Hollywood".

"He might not be an A-lister". Lex points out and then turns to me. "Is he?"

I nod slowly, "And I have a twilight showing tonight with him and his assistant".

Ang has had enough. "C'mon! Tell us!"

I purse my lips and then finally spill the beans. "It's Chris Evans".

"No way!" they all practically shout at once, causing Marcus to look over and sake his head. He knows what we're like

"Is he just as gorgeous up close?" Lex asks dreamily. "Oh my god! Pleeeeeease let me tag along tonight!"

I sit there and shrug. "He was...really nice" and think about what a complete idiot I made of myself while still shaking his hand. "and don't you have dinner with your husband at like six?" I frown and now she curses under her breath, "Stupid husband..."

"Well put it this way, he buys the house - we know where he lives! It's a result all around". The look in Ang's eye is devilish and I chuckle. "You need to go home and change then."

I frown, "Why? What's wrong with the clothes I have on now?"

"Another banging outfit will make him wanna put in more than just an offer to you". Ang says with a waggle of her brows. "Look, you look like the shit and all, but up the glam a little more tonight".

"I'm trying to sell a house, not get Captain America to fuck me".

"Be a bonus if he did, but you're a gorgeous girl Fleur, I bet he liked more than just the house".

I roll my eyes and prop my feet up on the desk, Pastel blue heels crossing over one another. "And how would you know about that?"

"I just have a feeling". She says and swivels back to her desk.

I check my phone and see a message from Britt. Just a heads up, Chris will probably put in a full offer anyway. See you tonight.

That's great. He won't regret it.

I answer a few work emails and by 5pm, it's literally just me and Marcus left. I close my laptop and pop it in my bag, heading for the door. "See you tomorrow Cus".

"Oh! Did I hear you've got a twilighter for Laurel Canyon?" He asks, stopping me.

"Yep, with Captain America."

"Ooooooh! Let me know how that goes tomorrow, enjoy your night".

I nod, "You too - have a great evening". I tell him and head out to the parking lot, choosing to take Ang's advice and head home to freshen up before making my way to Laurel Canyon.

7pm rolls around and I've been sat outside by the fire pit doing some work and answering emails (taking a selfie of the canyon with the view behind me) before the gate rings. I let them in and go to meet them. "Good evening!" I say enthusiastically.

Wildest Dreams - A Chris Evans StoryWhere stories live. Discover now