fifteen. five senses (minus one)

Comenzar desde el principio

After the short rooftop encounter, Nina decides to turn her good mood even greater by flying to the , Zlaty kriz deli, a local old-school deli packed with locals, to get herself a chlebíčky, a baguette-like bread with different toppings - cucumber, egg, salami, and ham - that makes her even happier.

On her way back to the hotel, the girl passes by the several food stalls scattered around the sidewalk, minding her own merry way - until she finds herself halting into a complete stop.

Nina isn't too sure about what happened at that moment.

One second, she's completely fine, until her heart starts pounding desperately in her chest. There's a buzzing, high-pitched sound in her ears, her breath is speeding up, and she claps her hands over her ears but it doesn't help the noise in the slightest.

Something is wrong. Nina doesn't know why she knows it but something is terribly wrong and she just knows it, for some fucking reason she can't seem to explain.

Then, it stops.

It just completely halts, like nothing has happened, and before she can question the weird instance that had just occurred, Nina spots Peter standing in front of the hotel, eyes darting around nervously.

"Peter!" The girl calls out, ditching the weird encounter completely - it must have been just a weird, unexplainable panic attack - and runs towards the boy, pointing to the hotel. "What's going on? What are you doing here?"

The boy turns around, his anxious stance relaxing, shoulders unraveling from it's tense position when the girl eases by his side. "Thank god, I was looking for you."

"Missed me that much, Parker?" The girl quipped, not running away from the chance to tease Peter again.

"In fact, I did," Peter admits, "But right now, we both need to get inside to avoid suspicion 'cause EDITH found a way to keep everyone out of the Carnival of Lights tonight."

Nina cocks her head to the right, very much resembling a confused cat. "Huh?"

"I'm not entirely sure, but let's just listen to Mr. Harrington cause I'm pretty sure that he's the head teacher in charge so he'll explain everything," he sees the food on her hand, suddenly growing very distracted. His stomach grumbles, as if it was on cue. "Sandwich?"

"Obviously. Here you go," before he could say anything, Nina takes it and shoves it in his hand, letting the boy eat the last half of her meal since she clearly heard his stomach rumble.

Peter smiles softly as he chews on the bread, his cheeks turning into a soft shade of red when he realized that Nina, who always refused to share her food, gave him the last piece of her sandwich.

All Peter hopes that the whole Elemental's shit ends soon, because he cannot find the patience to sit around on his ass and wait for him to be hers anymore.


"Good news. We're going to the opera!"

Hearing the groans coming from her classmates, Nina shoots Peter a teasing smile; getting a little shrug from the boy in return.

"You're kidding me!"

"The opera?" Betty questions exhaustedly, looking very disappointed with all the neon accessories already around her neck and wrists. Her glaze flickers over towards her best friend, expecting that she might know something about this, and her thoughts are confirmed when Nina sends her a firm look with her eyes.

"Don't look at me." Mr. Dell mumbles, sounding as disappointed as everyone else.

"What happened to the carnival?" MJ questions, concern laced in her tone.

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