"oi. let's go." bakugou shoved me in the direction of the exit, making me wince. my back still hadn't completely healed, and it hurt like a motherfucker. "let's make this quick." and so, we pretty much spent the next hour walking around the six stories belonging the main building, which was pretty boring. "and that's all the classrooms. the other building's cooler."

as we walked across the campus, bakugou promiscuously dropped his cigarette on the ground, stomping on it before brushing past. "you really shouldn't litter, bakugou. it's detrimental to the environment." "haaah? who the fuck are you to tell me what to do, halfie?! i do what i want."

i squatted down to pick up the flattened cigarette, hissing upon feeling the tipping paper burn my index finger and thumb. i blew on my finger, ignoring the amused look on the blonde's face. i stood back up, crossing my arms.

"pick it up."

"what? no!"

"pick up the cigarette, bakugou."

"no! i'm not doing shit!"

"pick it up, bakugou."

"go fuck yourself! i ain't picking it up!"

"pick. it. up."

"no! piss off!"

"katsuki bakugou, pick it up before i make you."


i failed to notice the smallest tint of pink filling his cheeks as he hesitated with his words. "whatever." he grumbled, shoving me aside with his forearm before picking up the ashy cigarette, chucking it into the closest bin.

"i hate you already." he grumbled to himself, kicking the pebbles under his feet as we walked towards the opposite building. "i'm glad our sentiments are concordant."

"god, you're so annoying!" "this is my instinctive temperament, bakugou." "i don't remember asking, halfie!" he yelled, a vain bulging in his forehead.

"why halfie?" i mumbled to myself, opening the door for bakugou upon reaching the additional building. he stormed in without thanking me. talk about discourteous. "half of you is white, the other half of you is red. idiot. half and half. halfie." ".. fair point."

he then showed me around a large, circular room which had six doors, each with glass windows to peer inside of.

"this is the tech department. you learn about code and how technology works." sounds tedious.

"this is the construction department. you can build and construct whatever shit you want, this room basically contains anything you need to make something awesome." i noticed the enthusiasm in his voice. perhaps he likes construction?

"this is the sports department. you play a shit ton of diverse sports with your teammates, and train for competitions." that also sounds tedious. i'm not a team player.

"this is the music department. there's a fuck-ton of instruments and a studio, you can compose and write your own stuff too." he sounded relatively vivacious about this one too... musician, maybe?

"this is the art department. you can sew, draw, design, paint, whatever you wan't." my eyes lit up. i like this one.

"this is the cooking department. you cook things. i'm not gonna sugar coat it." i could... learn how to make soba? myself? instead of spending all of my money on ordering it? sounds like a deal to me.

"and, yeah. those are six to choose from." he finished. i creased my brows. "...what do you mean, 'to choose from'?" "the fuck halfie? did you not read about the school before you fucking joined?" i shook my head. it wasn't a lie. i was kind of just.. enrolled here.

"oh my god-" he dug his head into his hands, sighing. "so basically, after lunch, there aren't any actual classes, so you have to choose two departments to take during the afternoon. two hours for each until school ends. so, if you don't want to be stuck in supplementary classes for the rest of the day, sign yourself up at lunch. so for example, i do music and construction."

"that sounds.. gratifying." i mumbled. "damn right it does. it's fucking amazing, i only have to do half a day of learning!" the blonde smirked, leaning against an empty wall. "what would you pick?" he mumbled, switching on a cylindrical vape he had magically accumulated from his pockets.

"definitely art. i'm good at it," he hummed, inhaling the smoke and leaning his head back against the wall as he let the artificial smoke circulate in his system. "and maybe.. cooking? i don't have any knowledge as to how, so it'd be exuberating to assimilate how.. i suppose."

"yeah. cool." he grumbled upon exhaling the smoke. i happened to catch a whiff of it, making me perk up in surprise. "is that.. caramel?" "you bet your ass it is!" he smirked, inhaling once again. "it's oddly.. nice. may i try it?" he blew out again, scoffing. "in your dreams halfie! get your own! i know you got the money for it!" he kicked off the wall, beckoning me to follow him away from the department section.

"how are you knowledgable of my financial situation?" i asked, quirking a brow. "not everyone can afford stüssy, balenciaga and louis vuitton nike air forces, you know!" he grumbled, rolling his eyes. "i have to make my clothes. so i think if anyone, it would be me who would know about a person's financial situation, thank you."

i was stunned. not even i knew the brand of the clothing i was wearing. so he's observant. interesting.

"here are the lockers." snapped out of my gaze, i peered at the hundreds of aligned grey lockers. they all had unique designs manufactured and fabricated by students. "why-" "trust me, i don't know why they aren't in the lesson building either. guess the architect's were just fucking stupid." he sighed.

"you still got your plan from the desk lady?" i nodded, and handed him a folded sheet of a4 paper from the back of my jeans. he unfolded it rather impatiently, scanning across the lines of information i had been given by the receptionist that same morning.

"you're locker number 269. you got the funny number, lucky ass. mine is 270." he showed me over to the locker.  i then, noticed his own locker door. it was completely spray painted neon orange. it had 'fuck off, assholes!' written in dark green, bold letters, a small explosion drawn next to it. really shows him as a locker, huh.

"what you gonna do with yours?" "do with what..?" he inhaled sharply in irritation. "THE FUCKING LOCKER, HALFIE! WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO WITH YOUR SHITTING LOCKER!" he yelled, hitting me over the back of my head. i stared at my locker bluntly. "i suppose i'll put my name on it..?"

"for someone who claims to be good at art, you're fucking boring!" he groaned, grabbing my arm and pulling me along. and so, the rest of the morning passed as he showed me the cafeteria, gym, assembly hall, et cetera.

"alright, i'm finally done here. go to the cafeteria to eat something. bye." he spoke firmly, before walking off in the other direction. "bakugou, wait!" i called, jogging after him. "what." he grumbled, turning to face me.

"are you not going to the cafeteria?" "huh? nah. not hungry. i've got better things to do." i left it at that, watching him walk away before being engulfed by the crowd of students struggling to get to the lunch hall.

he left me stood there in the middle of the hallway, slightly disappointed. could i really call him a friend though?

either way, he at least appeared to tolerate me. that was a first. so with that thought bared in mind, i walked off in the direction of the reception office.

maybe this school wasn't as dreadful as i had expected...

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