A Promise

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A month before the wedding...

"HUMAN!!! IT'S MORNING!WAKE UP!" a cute black dragon exclaimed with excitement. Roan was currently hovering above cale's bed.
"Meow~ Meow~ Meow~" There came two adorable cats jumping on their fa- cale's bed. They sounded like they were agreeing with the youngest.

"Fine, fine, I'm up" ~yawn~   !Now!Appeared a peerless beauty with blood red hair. His eyes glistening with a few tears. Pale white skin glowing under the sun. Eyes glittering like diamonds. Reddish-brown eyed men are dangerous indeed. This dangerous beauty doesn't even know it himself.
He stretched a bit. Crack~ Pop~ 'Ah~ That was satisfying'
"HUMAN! you slept early but get up late! You've slept 14 hours! This great and mighty Roan Miru cannot understand how this is possible!", a cute dragon pouted as if dissatisfied by it.

"Meow~ youngest, there's no logic to define Cale. Don't worry. We know Cale the best and we can watch his sleeping face. Isn't Cale pretty when he sleeps? ( well, other than fainting. Glare)" On soothed a pouting child like an elder sister she is.

" Noona is right youngest!" Hong agreed with her. Hong's tail swang left and right with enthusiasm. Immediately, the pout disappeared and replaced with a proud smile. " Of course, Noona, hyung! Human is the prettiest! But this great and mighty dragon won't lack behind!" Roan cutely added the last part.

'Ow, my ears' Cale had to hear children energetic conversation after his beauty sleep. 'Why do they think I'm the prettiest?' There are tons of beautiful people out there, like Eruhaben-nim' Cale thinks it's debatable.

"HUMAN, you are up?" "Meow?Good morning cale", the children greeted him happily. "Morning, Roan, On and you too Hong", clae replied with a slight smile. He completely forgot about his sleepiness. "Hehe, right!", children replied instantly. They got to see their father figures rare smile morning. They were quite satisfied with their enhanced cuteness to scam their father.

"You promised us, cale", On reminded Cale even though she new it wasn't needed. "Yes, yes, I'll go freshen up. I'll be at the table in a bit." "We made the bath!"the children shouted proudly."Really? Thank you you three. Go now, I'll be there", Cale said. "Yes, Cale. OK! Fine, human!" On, Hong and Roan replied respectively.

When cale went inside the bathroom, the children went downstairs to wait for their guardian.
Cale finished his business quickly. He didn't want them to wait longer. Cale wore simple clothes since he will be going out with the kids.

Yes, Cale promised that he would take them out today for a compensation for his recklessness

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Yes, Cale promised that he would take them out today for a compensation for his recklessness. (Though they request it almost everyday)

After the death of white star and God of despair being sealed, Cale had a wonderful and peaceful life to slack. With his Potter's luc- Ahem Ahem! With cale's luck, it didn't last long. Two years after that, those annoying hunters tried to hunt him and Choi Han down. Having an overprotective allies and faithful religion (Ahem>◇<Ahem Clophe created a cult for cale), the hunters had a hard time invading. But they were able to injure and kill some innocent significantly. They kept popping up with unusual weapons and bizarre powers. With cale's record, they didn't have a easy time. You can say that it was almost a stand still. Until.....

One of those moth***ers dared to bargain him with his children. That f***ker even had the nerves to touch his innocent Hong!!! Oh ho ho ho ^~^ YOU! Fu*****king

(And that's how they met their doom ^~^
Heh! Snort ~ they thought they got his weakness?
Wa? Ahaaahahaahaaha~~~ * laughing like a maniac* Hehehe * stares to a pathetic life form of an insect* How naive~ chuckle chuckle~)

Cale still has that F***ker in the dungeon. Of course, Cale kept him barely alive. Cale tortures him when he feels like it.( every time he sees Hong) Even Beacrox was quite taken aback by cale's torture. It was quite a sight to behold than Cale losing his mind and went on a killing spree with a vicious smile on his angle like face. His allies and soldiers alike went short-circuited. They looked at him like he was an incarnation a a demon king. Along with cale, his ancient powers went berserk and their souls aligned with each other so cale's powers were greatly enhanced. There were rose-gold thunderbolts striking down like a heaven's punishment. Admist them, Cale looked like a enraged God descended. Red suits him like no other.

Even if his powers were enhanced, there would be a recoil. Cale had to be in coma for a month and a half. Hong is happy that his father did this to protect him but he's still upset about it. Hong swore to be even more stronger. With that, his poison reached to the level of eroding the entire land. Combined with On's fog and Roan's dragon magic, they are able to duplicate any type of form, a body made from strong enchantments, deadly poison instead of blood and stealthy presence within the fog. Children ruthlessness together with adults' vengeance, hunters were eliminated.

(Now, :)  now, we are straying a bit)

The stealthy butler reached his destination and waited outside the door.
Cale dressed up and opened the door. BANG!!! WTF!!!!

Hu~ 'calm down my heart' T-T
Ron's benign smile widened.
Cale reopen the door again abate slowly.

"Good morning, young master. I hope you had a pleasant sleep" Ron greeted Cale like he didn't do that on purpose.
'Pleasant my ass' ' You ruined it, dammit' Obviously, Cale didn't say that out loud. He still treasure his life ( author: snort)

"Yes, I did. Let's go". Cale speed passed Ron. 'Ho! He has got a little faster' "Understood, young master", Ron swiftly caught up with Cale. 'F**king hell!! Scary old man!' Cale slowed his steps scared to see an old man catching up with him with a benign smile and a perfect posture.
'How the hell did he do that' Cale shuddered.
"We are here, young master", Ron informed Cale. ^ Flinch- Stop! ^
" Right", Cale responded with a stoic face but his body gave it away.
"Human's here!"
"Good morning, young master! Cale! Human!" , the group chanted.
" Morning" Cale said with a small smile.

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