Chapter 5 - The Great Cactus Con Part 2

Depuis le début

"How does Jasper know Kid Danger?" Piper wondered, raising her arms slightly as Charlotte fussed around her.

"Uhhh... he... they...crossed paths before," Charlotte chuckled nervously. "Kid Danger saved Jasper from...uh...hehe...uh...a giraffe!"

"A giraffe?"

"Yeah! Umm... Jasper was attacked by one."

"Then why does Kid Danger owe him?" She asked.

"I think I hear the boys calling me," Charlotte, running out of lies, dropped everything on the table and ran for the door.

"But, I didn't hear-"

Charlotte was already out the door, sighing in relief. She felt extremely terrible that she had to lie to the girl, but she had no choice. Piper was becoming one of her close friends and even more now that she was dating her brother. It won't do well for her to lie to his sister. Then again, Henry was doing the same thing.

Charlotte was brought back to reality when she heard bickering from her two friends. Henry would go first and Jasper would retaliate by giving him a pleading look.







"You guys!" Charlotte exclaimed, coming in between them, which caused them to shut up. "Use your words," she suggested, watching her boyfriend sigh and her best friend purse his lips.

"Charlotte, will you please tell Jasper that he can't volunteer Kid Danger for his personal life," Henry said.

"Will you please tell Henry that I'm in love!" Jasper looked at her, gesturing to the blonde.

"Will you please tell Jasper that we don't have anything in the Man Cave that can help Patina?"

Charlotte closed her eyes. How did she become the counsellor right now? "We actually might have something in the Man Cave that can help Patina."

"Jasper, will you please ask Charlotte what she's talking about?" He said, hand on his hip. Before anyone could respond, Henry's watch started beeping and Charlotte reached for it. "Bro," he blurted out.

"Don't 'bro' me," she snapped, releasing his wrist. He let his arm hover as Schowz's hologram came into view.


"Waaaassssuuuuppppp?!" Jasper and Henry responded with the same enthusiasm, tongues out.

"C'mon, do it, do it, do it," Henry nudges Charlotte playfully, encouraging her.

"Waassuuppp?!" She tried weakly, rolling her eyes but smiling and feeling ridiculous.

"You'll get it," Jasper patted her on the back.

"Hey, do we have a three-ply, airtight, hypoallergenic bubble suit somewhere in the Man Cave?" Charlotte addressed Schowz.

"What size?"


"Oh yeah, we got that."

"Well, that was easy," she mused.

"So, you'll do it?" Jasper inquired excitedly, waiting for Henry's response. He hesitated.

"I wanted to go to the convention with Charlotte," he said. "As Henry, not Kid Danger trying to protect a girl from allergies."

"Bro, please! You said, that I'll find someone for me soon. Maybe Patina's the one. Maybe she's my romance just like Charlotte is for you."


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