Barbeques and Boyfriends

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Ryan arrives a couple of hours later and is then roped into making a round of margaritas by the women of the family. We probably won't stay for much longer, he's had a long shift and I know that he just wants to get home to bed. 

As we talk to Scott I see Chris watching us out of the corner of my eye. 

"You wanna head back?" I ask after an hour or so. "You've shown your face, Scott won't mind if we go". 

"Sure you wanna?" 

I nod. "Yeah let me just say goodbye to everyone" I tell him and make my way around to tell people I'm leaving. Eventually coming to Chris. "Ryan and I are gonna head off". 

"Wants to get you home eh?" He says as he texts someone back and then puts his phone into his pocket.

"He's tired, long shift". 

"Let me know you got back safe ok?" 

I roll my eyes. "I'm not a kid..." 

"No, but anything could happen, let know". He insists. "I know Ryan's a good guy and will see that you do, but at least gimme some peace of mind". 

"Alright" I agree as Ryan now comes over to say goodbye and they shake hands again. 

"You're a lucky guy, don't screw it up". He says as I groan and want the ground to swallow me up.

"Don't get all 'big brother' protective over me". 

Ryan grins, "Got no plans to" He tells Chris.

Chris nods and looks at me. "I'll let you know the dates for Dodge". 

"Yeah, shoot me a message and we can go from there". I say and after another goodbye, Ryan and I head out. 

"He's not over you" Ryan says after a long period of silence in the car. Usually he's more talkative, however tonight something is different about him. He's being 'off' towards me.  

"Don't..." I begin and instantly realise where this is going. 

"But he's not. It's obvious"

I roll my eyes. "We're friends, I thought you understood that? What the fuck's come over you anyway?"

"Oh nothing, just the fact that your ex didn't stop staring at you for the whole time we were there". 

"You knew about our situation! You said you were ok with this!" 

"Not when he's literally looking at you like he wants to rip your pants off and fuck you against the kitchen counter in front of everyone". Ryan now says, pulling into the apartment parking lot. 

I get out and slam the door, walking towards the foyer. "I'm not doing this, not now - so what? Chris looked at me a few times, it's never bothered you before!" 

"Yeah well it does now!" 

I turn to him. "I thought you were different!"

"Fleur...look I'm sorry, it's been a shitty day and I'm tired". He begins to apologise. "I'm over reacting". 

I look at him. "You know we're friends right? I'm doing him a favour looking after Dodger because I love that dog. It's the same with the family, we're amicable. And you're pissed because of how he looked at me? He's gonna! Even I know that, but it doesn't mean to say I feel anything for him anymore". 

"Clearly you do if you're dog sitting and whatnot". 

"He just told you not to screw it up..." I remind him

"And I won't, but only if you agree to cut ties with him. It's me or him Fleur, although I'm pretty sure I know who you'll choose". 

I stare at him a little dumbstruck. 

"I'm not doing this..." 

Ryan shakes his head with a sigh. "I knew it would be him". 

"I never said I was choosing him!" I yell, not caring that we're in a parking lot and everyone in the building can probably hear this. 

"So why are you putting this off!" There's silence between us before he unlocks his car. "You may be able to pull the wool over everyone else's eyes Fleur, but you're never gonna let him go". 

I glare at him, "When it comes to choosing a friend over a guy, I'm always choosing a friend". 

"Then you chose wrong this time". 

I watch him leave and make my way into my apartment.

There was some truth to Ryan's words though, no matter how much of a dick he was. 

I'm never going to be able to let go, whether I want to or not. 

Wildest Dreams - A Chris Evans StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin