Chapter II

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When I finally woke up from sleeping off my humiliation, it was already nightfall. Pitch's lair didn't let in any light, but I could feel the man on the moon's presence in the sky that seemed farther then ever.

I shook my head softly, feeling a strand of hair that had covered my face. I brushed it off to the side and decided to get up and about. "I might as well go face Pitch sooner rather then later," I thought.

When I left the room, I found myself in a hallway blacker then midnight, which felt like they where made of glass. The only illumination was from small glowing lights on each wall that hung like candles with a small gap between them.

After a while, I finally saw an end
to the long passage-way, looking around as I stepped out into it into a huge room, just as dark as the bedroom. There were a bunch of squeaky chirps coming from above, but it was too dark to make out what was making them.

I eventually hit a long flight flight of stairs which I climbed; finding myself next to a huge black globe covered in millions of glowing little lights.

"The believers." I whispered to myself. These were all of the children who would soon stop believing in the Guardians. They would soon believe in the opposite; Pitch and I. The dark and the cold. It was still hard to stomach that I was about abandon everything for love, and to be believed in. I may not have belonged with the Easter Kangaroo and Jolly Red Suit....but was this the right way to go?

I never got to answer my own question though, because a familiar voice, filled with the sweet evil tone that made my heart do somersaults filled the darkness. "Jack. I see you have found my main abode."
Pitch walked up behind me, and I thanked the Man on the Moon that I managed to keep myself visibly calm.
"Yeah." I replayed, turning back to the globe. "There's so many little do you expect to ever make them all go out?

Putting a warm hand on my shoulder, he chuckled softly. "You mustn't underestimate my Night Mares. By tonight, thousands of lights will begin to go out, until none are left. Teeth won't be taken, Easter Eggs won't be left to find, and there will be no presents left under the tree. You see, my plan is full proof." He turned to me, takin my chin is his hand so that our eyes met; and with that; I was lost. Taken. Changed.

Sighing, I let him bend down to seal it all for good in the most indestructible way possible; a kiss. But that kiss was different than I'd expected. It was sweet, yet filled with desperation, and love. However, a sort of darkness hid behind it...but you see, I was too far gone to care, so I wrapped my arms around my lover's neck and deepened the kiss. His tongue probed at my lips, and, more than happy to allow it through, I opened my mouth wide to let it through. I knew that we probably shouldn't stay like that, but I didn't want I could not let him go now that I had him. I had to have him in all the ways possible! But he was obviously so dominant...what could I do?

Fortunately, I didn't need to do anything; Pitch's hands had started to rub down my back under my sweater, his arms pinning me close: suddenly I didn't feel so frozen as I usually did.

"Oooohhh Jack." Sighed Pith, in his usual dark tone. "You're all mine now." And then, with a smile, he put his other hand under my chin, leaning down; until I felt his burning mouth on mine, kissing me fiercely, and I gave in to him completely, disobeying my every instinct to flee.

And then we where tumbling towards another huge black bed that Pitch threw me onto, pushing himself on top of me, and then his hands were pulling. off my sweater, and then my shirt, his lips brushed my neck, my collarbone, then my jaw.

His mouth being ripped away from mine was pure torture, worse then melting by white hot fire. I needed him closer, I needed to touch every inch of him, to know it, to claim it! Subconsciously, I must have moaned, because a second later I heard my lover's low, almost silent smirking laugh, followed by another deep kiss that filled the growing ache in my gut just slightly. But it still wasn't enough. With an internal huff, I inched my hands to the buttons on his long cloak, and undid them each carefully, Pitch smiling mockingly into our kiss as I threw it off, to reveal him only in a thin black shirt and pants, revealing his bulging muscles underneath.

"Still not enough..." I thought. He was still much too far away...but this thought was interrupted when I felt something I had never felt before.

His hand under the band of my pants, his rough skin slid down lower and lower, not even hesitating before it found its destination and grabbed it tight.

I let out a long moan, the ache growing inside of me, my body growing hotter, the ice in my hair melting into sweat. For the first time, I felt my member beneath his hand harden, and I could do absolutely nothing, because the new searing hot fire that surrounded me choked and paralyzed me; I was as frozen as an ice statue, held together by melting snow.

I felt his hand working on my dick, rubbing and pressing, and I whimpered involuntarily.

Fortunately, this pleased my lover, and he finally pulled off his shirt, revealing the most breathless sight I had ever seen.

The work of muscle and skin blacker than a raven in the night flowed perfectly down his body, and I traced the pattern carefully, from collarbone, to his chest down to his abdomen, just brushing the V shape at the bottom, when Pitch started up on his rubbing again, faster this time, his rough hands accurately hitting all of my sweet spots. I certainly wasn't against this action, for it was the darkest of all of the bliss that can ever be felt.

I lay back, sinking into the comfortable bed, not moving to obstruct him from sliding off my pants, revealing me completely. I knew my face was already red from the ecstasy of it all anyway, so I simply pulled him close I to a deep kiss as my member grew harder.

Now the ache was worse than ever, combined with the fire in my chest; completely unbearable. I added my own tongue into the kiss, his tongue fighting for dominance with mine, my hands in his hair, stroking down his neck.

When Pitch moved, I was confused. After all, I was younger, and frankly the most innocent person you'd ever meet. But with one look at my expression, Pitch smiled a sneaky smile, and then, slid his hand down my ass, finding my hole.

It was already wet from our dripping pre-cum and his rubbing only made it become soaked. My heart beat hard. "What was he about to do?" I thought. And then it struck me.

Panicked, I momentarily struggled against him, breaking our kiss. "W-wait!" I pushed my knees to my chest, hiding myself, and turned my back to Pitch.

I could tell that he was taken aback by what I saw in the corner of my eye, an almost sullen expression. I shook as of with cold, if that we're possible for me.

"Jack..." He put a hand in my shoulder, kneeling next to me. "You mustn't be afraid. You know I'd never do anything to hurt you."

I gulped in a deep breath and turned back towards him, averting my eyes from his in humiliation. "I...I'm sorry..." I didn't know what to say. He'd probably hate me now for being such a coward...

If Jack Said YesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora