Moving Forward

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I have another couple of drinks and pull out my phone, scrolling through the pictures of Chris and I - over a year together down the drain, and for what?

I hate men.

I knock back cocktail after cocktail and then have the greatest idea in the world.

Let's text Chris...

Come drinkwithme shtick wmzndhfkd.

My phone rings straight away.

"Chriiiiiiiis! Hiiiii" I groan as my head starts to spin. "I....I was jusssss thinking bout yooooou, you little cheating bastard yooooou".

"Fleur, Are you drunk?"

"I er....I may have wait that's not right...underestimated! That's the word...the err, the power of cocktailssssssh"

I hear him sigh. "Where are you? You with anyone?"

"Mhmmmm. Bartender Ryaaaan, he's done a greeeeeeat job of making cocktails".

I hear Chris mutter something to himself. "Fleur, where the fuck are you".

"One minuuuuute. Geez you're cranky!"

"Because you're drunk and have no idea where the fuck you even are!"

I laugh, "I'm in Boston silly! You know that!"

"Yeah but where! It's a big fucking place Fleur".

"A bar"

"Oh for the love of...look, put me onto the damn bartender". He says.

I pass Ryan the phone. "S'for yoooou". I roll my eyes and he frowns but speaks to Chris anyway. "Tell him to come drink with me!"

Eventually Ryan passes the phone back to me and I frown. "Hello?"

"Fleur, you stay right there, Scott's coming to get you".

"Scoooooott! I love Scott!" I punch the air in triumph. "He's the fun one..."

Chris huffs, "whatever, just stop with the cocktails and don't move until he gets there ok?"

"Whatever" I roll my eyes and and hang up, pointing an accusing finger to Ryan. "Why haven't you thrown me out?"

He grins. "Not in my nature to. Have a water". Now pushing a glass of icy water across the bar to me. "Boyfriend trouble?"

I nod slowly, "cheated on me..."

Ryan winces, "ouch, for who?"

"His co-star".

"Yikes...wait, you're the girl who was dating Chris Evans?" He enquires, obviously recognising me.

I nod. "Because I'm stupid, yeah - can't mention it to any guys I may meet though, I mean, if I can't keep a relationship with Captain America? Then they're gonna think something is wrong with me". I stare into the glass.

"It's a tough act to follow". Ryan shrugs as he dries a glass, "but a girl like you would get a lot of guys. You're beautiful".

"Nawwww, you're too cute". I laugh and sigh. "I thought we could stay friends but it's harder than I thought it would be and I haven't even seen him for weeks".

Ryan frowns, "why'd you do it then?"

I shrug. "Coz I'm stupid - everyone's said it, but I don't like being the kind of person to let things end on a fight".

"Well you're a better person than the rest of us, that's all I can say". Ryan says and refills my water. "You ever wanna unload when you're sober? I'm usually here from lunchtime. Stop by if you're free. I won't ply you with cocktails though".

I laugh and nod. "I will probably wake up regretting this tomorrow, so expect to see me Monday to apologise for the inconvenience".

"Not at all, in fact you've made my night more interesting".

Scott arrives and shakes his head with a smile. "Come on, bedtime".

"Ooooooh, are you straight now?"

"That's not what I meant, come on". He laughs and thanks Ryan for detaining me, steering me out of the bar and pushing me into his car. "Don't you dare puke on the seats I just steam cleaned them".

I sit back and look out the window, "Am I a bad person?" I ask the younger Evans brother after a while.

Scott sighs, "you've not got a bad bone in your body".

"So why am I being punished for something that wasn't my fault?"

"Because drunk you is overthinking everything".

It wouldn't be the first time.

We finally pull up and I literally fall out of the car, Scott helping to to stumble towards the front door. Chris is there and helps me inside.

"You seriously thought getting drunk was a good idea?" He asks.

"Was when I looked at the cocktail list". I fire back and the brothers help me to the guest room. "And I'm not sorry if I interrupted any kind of sex session with you and your shitty girlfriend".

"Fleur" Chris warns

"Whatever, you didn't have to send someone to come get me, I was perfectly fine".

"For fuck sake, Scott get her a bowl and some water".  He says and then stares at me once his brother has gone. "I didn't have to but I did, because I still fucking care ok?"

I snort and fall back onto the bed. "Not enough to keep a relationship with me though".

"Yeah well you'll be pleased to know that I ended things with Jenny, ok?"

"Oh wow!" I sit up, "I'd say I'm sorry but really I'm not, in fact, I'm gonna get Scott to take me to my apartment, I really have no fucking idea why I'm here". 
It's probably not a good idea to try and stand up - I'll just fall straight over.

"So as I can stop you from choking on your own puke!" He snaps back. "Do you really think that I don't care about you? I do! I told you I would despite everything that's happened!"

By now Scott is stood in the doorway. "Guys, can we do this tomorrow when we're not all drunk and angry?"

Chris and I both look at him, both saying "NO!" At the same time.

"Ok! I'll just leave these here..." he gingerly puts the bowl and glass of water down before going to his room.

Chris turns back to me. "You wanted to be friends".

"Well maybe that was a mistake! In fact, maybe dating you was the biggest mistake I ever made!"

Ok I'm gonna regret saying that, but drunk me doesn't care right now.

Chris shakes his head and then looks at me. "I really hope that this is the drink talking" he sighs and stops in the doorway as he goes to leave. "Get some sleep, and if you want then we can talk about this in the morning".

The room is spinning by now as I stare at the ceiling and wonder whether I should just call it quits on Boston and go home to LA.

After all, nothing lasts forever.

Wildest Dreams - A Chris Evans StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon