Untitled Part 1

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[One day in townsville the Amoeba Boys are up to their usual shenanigans.]

Bossman: Now we just need the key to the world and our plan will be complete!

Slim: But boss, I already have it.

Bossman: Woah. That was fast.

Mayor: Wow! So what's the first thing your going to do now that you rule the world?

Bossman: Uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh...

[centuries later...]

Bossman: Uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh...

[after the collapse of civilization...]

Bossman: Uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh...

[rebirth of civilization...]

Bossman: Uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh...

[after the solar system's sun becomes a red giant incinerating earth...]

Bossman: Uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh...

[400 Centillion years after the heat death of the universe...]

Bossman: Uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh...Oh! I know! The first thing I want is for them powerpuff girls to bring us a lifetime supply of oranges!

Slim: But boss. There is nobody left.

Bossman: Then I order everyone and everything back! So we can get our oranges!

[The boys instantly are back in townsville.]

Junior: You did it boss! Everything is back!

Slim: Yeah...

Bossman: Maybe someone else should have the key.

Bubbles: Look! We're little girls again!

Blossom: I feel the urge to get the amoeba boys a lifetime supply of oranges

Buttercup: Rats. That means I'll have to re-earn all those scars.

[Afterwards, The boys head back to the house with the lifetime supply of oranges and key. Slim and Bossman lick their lips and take an orange. Junior sits and takes his own orange. He takes a bite out the orange and smacks his lips.]

Junior: Oh, yeah, this is good.

Bossman: These are great.

Slim: Yeah, These are great.

[Junior gobbles down the rest of his orange, takes another, and leans back in his seat.]

Junior: Ah, good friends, the key to the world, and oranges. This can't get any better. (takes a bite)

[In the Kitchen Bossman cleans some dishes as Slim helps out. Junior, now in his pajamas, enters.]

Bossman: What are you doing awake this late?

Junior: I'm just getting one last snack before bed.

[In a flash, his whips up another pile of oranges. As he starts to leave, Bossman sees the plate of oranges.]

Bossman: Junior, you've already had at least two platefuls. Eat any more and you'll explode. (he tries to take the plate away)

Junior: Phfft, boss, that type of talk scared me back when I was like five years old.

Slim: As the old saying goes, "Too much of a good thing is a bad thing".

Junior: Too much of a good thing? As if. (takes his plate)

[In his room Junior lies in bed, eating away, having already eaten one-third of the pile. He suddenly stops, rubbing his full stomach. He sets the half eaten oranges aside and pulls the covers up to his chin.]

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