He didn't think twice before running off. He loved Lynda's kids and also Malynda was just a couple of days older than him.

"Sophia, please. Could you all just put aside your differences just for tonight?"

I sighed before heading to the table. Mason, Zach, and Jake waved to me but Sabrina and Kenny just pretended like they didn't see me.

I sat down in the vacant seat that had my name on it. Maybe I should've drank more.

To make things worse, I see Hunter walking out of the bathroom. He stopped for a minute when he saw me before he reached his seat.

And he was conveniently placed right beside me.

What in the world was Lynda trying?

We all ate quickly and silently before everyone separated into their various spaces.

The guys were talking by the bar, Kennedy and Sabrina were in the corner of the room talking about God knows what and I was just sitting there; ready to leave.

I couldn't leave though. Lynda would feel a certain way and Blaze was having too much fun.

Sabrina and I weren't really good friends, to begin with, but our relationship got worse after the whole Kennedy meltdown situation.

She took Kennedy's side, I didn't so we had nothing in common anymore.

My eyes lingered on Hunter. He wore a plain, black, button-up dress shirt with matching pants.

Two of his top buttons were left undone, exposing a little of his chest. He had a small smile on his face as he slipped his rum and listened to his friends.

He hadn't said one word to me tonight. Even when we were literally sitting next to one another. My mind keeps going back to the question.

Why, why does Hunter Lodge hate me so much?

Now that I think of it, he probably hated me all this time. Is he still holding a grudge against what I did years ago?

What is it? It's driving me nuts!


I heard a voice shout. When I looked, everyone was watching me. I turned to Lynda.


"Are you okay?" She asked as she looked down at my hand. "Your hand is bleeding."

I looked down and saw that my right hand had blood on it.

The beer bottle I was holding- I mean squeezing, cut me and I didn't even notice.

"Sophia," Lynda called me in a softer tone and looked at me with worried eyes. "Are you okay?"

I looked up at everyone and they all had a concerned look on their face; even Hunter and Kennedy.

"Yes, my fine. I-I just need to wash this off," I said with a smile then walked to the bathroom.

When I closed the door, tears started to fall from my eyes.

Maybe, I'm not fine.

I walked to the face basin before washing off all the blood from my hand.

I looked up at myself in the mirror. How in the world did I manage to mess up sitting?

They probably all think that I'm unhinged now. I mean I am but I don't want them knowing!

After washing my face, I walked out to see Hunter leaning on the wall. I figured he must have been waiting to use the bathroom so I started to walk past him.

Before I reached any distance, he grabbed me. I jumped a bit at his unexpected action.

"Sophia," he said in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Hunter," I mimicked in the same annoyed tone.

He rolled his eyes, "are you sure you're okay?"

I put on a smile, "yeah, you don't have to worry about me."

"I'm not. The others forced me to come and ask. I don't give a shit how you feel."

My smile slowly dropped as I pulled my hand away from him and then started walking.

I could hear him curse under his breath before he grabbed me again.

"What do you want from me, Hunter?" I shouted.

He looked down, "look, I didn't mean for it to come off like that. I do care."

Once again, I pulled away my hand, "as if. I know you hate me; you don't have to lie!"

"Do you think I'm that bipolar to go from loving you and full-blown hating you the next day?"

"Yes, yes I do," I said before walking away.

Love & Business: Part IIIWhere stories live. Discover now