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Fire and water

Peace and war

Love and hate

These things are all opposites

But love and hate are both such strong emotions

You either feel them with everything within you or not at all

How can two words with such a striking yet disregarded similarity be opposite

Are they even opposite

The way you can hate someone with a burning passion

Or love someone with such strength that you'd sacrifice the world to be with them

I don't think these two are close to opposites

I don't think that they're as polar as we think

They're not simple either

In the dictionary, love has a definition containing 6 words

While the definition of hate contains 7

It's not that easy though

Never that easy

6 words can't contain the sheer emotion and utter infatuation that love implies

7 words can't explain that feeling that bubbles and blisters like lava

Both grow large and uncontainable over time

Day after day, minute after minute

These feelings have so much to offer

All in two four letter words

I've spent this thing talking about how they're similar

How that there's no way they could possibly be opposites

So what are the opposites

For love, the most likely theory I've heard has to be indifference

The passion, emotion, and intent behind the word love

Standing against the stark nothingness of indifference

How the 12 letter word means a non-committal feeling

But what about hate

Is there a word to contrast the feeling

Is there something to pit against the bubbly fire of the word

Something that opposes the feeling of disgust or fiery that swiftly rises in someone's brain when they recognise something that can only be described as hatred

Truth is

I'm still looking

Let's see what we find

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