"Who car we taking?" Ebony questioned while I  held my hands out for her to help me up.

Me and Destiny looked at her simultaneously.

Ebony kissed her teeth, pulling me  up.

"Man whatever let's just go."

We looked at each other, reciprocating laugher.


"Mm, smell like a whole bunch of musty niggas in here." Ebony scrunched up her nose.

"And do." I agreed covering my nose with her shirt. Meanwhile, Destiny was too busy looking for Khalil.

I peeped but chose not to say anything, they were a....interesting situation.

"I'm...gonna go mingle around." she lied before walking off. 

"Mhm." Ebony said giving a sly smirk at me. Making me look at her and stifle a small laugh.

"Oh, I see y'all decided to come." a voice said from behind. Turning around, seeing Hakeem and Braylen and some other guy they had never seen before.

"Oh wassup y'all." Ebony smiled.

" Yeah.." I trailed off.

"Mm, well you look nice Sam." Braylen complimented.

"Thanks, well uh we gone see what's up with Lulu we'll talk with y'all later, Ebony come on." I intertwined our arms and quickly walked off to nowhere in particular.

( Lulu is the one throwing the party)

" so..." Ebony waited an answer from me.

" So what?" I tried to ignore what she was trying to imply.

I briefly shifted my eyes at her and could see her smirk written across her face, I smacked my teeth.

" I don't like him." Ebony raised an eyebrow at me.

I felt her giving me the look. " I'm serious!"


"No!No, nothing like that." I reassured her.

"Mhm." She gave me a side eye.

" Anyways did you see ole dude that was with them though, he was fineee." Ebony gushed dragging out her words.

"Yea I ain't never seen him with them before." I said before looking over and seeing a crowd start to form in the backyard.

"We ain't been here nothing but five minutes and folks is already fighting." Ebony rolled her eyes shaking her head.

"Let's go see."

I stale faced her. This girl. I thought to myself.

Walking over to where the fight was, it was two girls. One with blue hair and the other with blonde hair. Ole girl in the blue was short but, was still able to hit ole girl dead in her forehead.

I know that low key hurt though, hand prolly ringing.

  Then, both just start going in throwing punches left and right, something like in a cartoon. That was before some dude came rolling in picking the blue haired girl up, who was still trying get one last punch in.

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