the mission

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" Look all I'm saying is it's been almost 2 years since Pierce was taken out and Hydra fell. Not to mention you no longer have to worry about the trigger words working ever again." Sam stated as they were waiting for traffic to move again. Road work sucked. Especially being stuck in a car with Bucky and Steve. Bucky wouldn't stop whining and Steve kept backseat driving.

" I know and it's probably just habit to keep looking over my shoulder." Bucky narrowed his eyes thinking. Not that he would ever tell Sam but he was right the words no longer worked on him since Shuri had been able to remove Hydra's brainwashing from him. He was extremely thankful to her and T'challa for that.

Steve was staying silent as he watched the traffic inching along. A motorcycle had pulled up next to them. A new type. Way too fancy for him. Give him a Harley-Davidson 42WLA any day. There were good things in this time but there was so much that was also insanely complicated. Sighing he glanced at the rider and suddenly noticed the rider's hand was glowing. " Sam! Get us out of here! Punch it!"

Sam slammed the accelerator down to the floor peeling away from the road towards the highway. When Steve told you to go faster you did so without question. " What's wrong?!" He yelled as a spike of energy made a parked car next to them explode. " OH SHIT!"

Bucky looked at Steve and reached into the glove box and pulled out a gun. " Why do you have a gun in the glove box?!" Sam yelped as the window on his side suddenly....well just wasn't there anymore. It hadn't been broken it... JUST WASN'T THERE!!! " For this exact sort of thing!" Bucky yelled back as he shot past Sam at the rider on the bike and doged a bolt of energy shot by them. "HEY THAT WAS RIGHT NEXT TO MY FACE MAN!"

Sam peeled off the highway towards a forested area close to the compound. Thank God they had moved from the tower and out to the compound recently. This would have been horrible in downtown. Sam turned the wheel sharply trying to loose the biker but no matter what he did they stayed stuck to them like glue. Screw it! Time to stop and fight. Sam pulled behind some trees and they all launched themselves out of the car as the rider screeched to a halt and climbed off the bike to meet them halfway.

Sam, Bucky and Steve all walked towards the rider and in an unspoken signal they all started running. Steve threw his shield but in a surprising move the rider jumped and used it as a springboard to jump over Steve and towards Bucky before swiping at him with a knife... Where had that come from? Sam pushed a button on his shirt front. His wings sprung from his back. Thank God Shuri had updated his wings with nano tech. He ran at the rider and grabbed them pulling them up into the sky. Their helmet came off revealing a female with brunette hair tied up to keep it out of the way.

Of course Bucky would manage to piss off a crazy assassin chick he thought to himself right before she twisted and kicked him in the face. Cussing Sam accidentally dropped her  twenty feet above the ground. She should have broken something instead she tucked and rolled when she got the ground. Crap an enhanced!

Bucky ran up and tried to throw a punch at her. She dodged it and kicked him in the chin. Sam snickered . This chick was scary but damn could she kick. He dived towards the girl trying to distract her as Steve threw his shield again from behind her. She dropped at the last second causing Bucky to get hit by the shield and knocked into a tree as Sam ended up plowing into the ground.

Sam shook his head as he got up from the crater he made when he plowed into the earth. " What did you do to piss off this chick Bucky?" He demanded as they regrouped. " I don't know! I've never seen her before in my life! Steve do you know who she is?"

Steve shook his head " I have no idea who she is."

Tony landed next to them well Barnes since you pissed her off maybe you should try apologizing. Tony's voice came from the suit. " Except I have no idea what I did!"
That's not the point, I apologize to pepper all the time for things I don't know I did. Tony pointed out.

Bucky rolled his eyes. Steve stepped forward " who are you? What do you want?"

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