0.8 date with the shy dragon?

422 19 25

no one pov

"yunaya~ pleasee- i dont really know how to refuse choi jisu !" you practically cry to your bestfriend who has been hearing you rant on the phone for the past two hours. yuna hummed.

"damn y.n you really got three bombs in your life." yuna chuckled on the next line. "bomb?" you ask confusedly, tilting your head like a puppy. "yeah! one is ryu- bomb other is su- bomb and then our massive dragon bomb, you have no idea when one of them might cum-bust." yuna says expecting you to laugh at her horrible joke.

"YUNAA! you and your double meaning joke's. let me just talk to you later" you said ready to hang up "see you later boy see you later~" yuna sung as you hang up cutting her off.

you sign and roll on your bed whining. "please holy warewolf releam not yeji !! she would drill holes in my soul just with her gaze"

*ding dong*


you jump out of your bed with a paranoid expression taking slow steps towards the front door to see who ringed the door bell this time. you opened the door with a twirl blinking your eyes wide as you see yeji standing infront of your door with a flustered face.

"ah..uh...actually i need help." she spoke. you frown. like- why tf- does a alpha need help from some one so physically weaker than them. "i-i droped my wallet in the garage, and i cant get it back--" yeji spoke as if she has been byhearting the whole stuff all this while.

she glances at your face for a moment then looks down "so will you go on a da-- i mean go there down with with me to grab it back?" yeji asked and before you give her a answer back "i'm actually afraid of dark thats why!!" yeji said again.

wow that's some news indeed. the person who could take the living day light of someone is afraid of dark. you giggle slightly. "are you for real?" you question with a teasing smile.

yeji noded. "awe you're such a baby!!" you tease her taking the advantage of the situation. you pat her head as if she was some kitten. yeji blushes and looks away.

"c'mon.." she mutters.

you noded. "allright lets go in the garrage and if your afraid of the dark you could just hold on to me" you offer with a smile that yeji finds truely angelic. she doesnt respond anything back as you both walk downstairs in the apartment corridors that leads to the garrage.

*squeak squeak*

as you both enter the dark garrage you could hear the sounds of rats squeaking. "as far as i know no one uses this garrage. how did your wallet end up here?" you asked slowly. yeji who has been acting/ pretending to be too afraid is clinging onto your arms with her hands wraped arround your waist.

"uh..that is...it just sometimes even fall into the drains..but this time it was here.." yeji trails off into silence. it felt as if she didnt had any reasons.

"do you know where it has fell?" you asked still confused. yeji noded and smiled. she pointed towards a perticular direction between the sacks of goods and car tires or other spare parts.

you look at her casually walking towards the area and bending up and picking up a little black purse. yeji came back to you who've been looking at her in a look of disbelief or suspicion.

"umm..." you were about to point out how she wasn't afraid of the dark anymore but she cuts you off "since you've helped me to find my wallet, do you wanna go out for a cup of coffee?" she asks shyly.

' WHEN DID I----- ' you think.

go out ? a date ?? WITH THE DRAGON ?!?!


someone is just so sly . wow hwang yeji~~ lol


neighbour × yejiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें