Those Damn Cookies...

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Midterm exams are over, Miae felt relaxed as ever in class; perhaps a bit too relaxed, having an to jab herself with her mechanical pencil every few minutes. On the 14th stab, she concluded she needed to find something else to focus on.

Glancing to her sides, she wished her friends were sat closer to her, then at least she had something to keep her mind towards. But it wasn't as if she had no one, there was one person, her desk-mate. Looking to her right, she observes the usual occurrence. He was focused on the lesson, religiously writing down every word on the board; if only she had his work ethic, Miae conceptualized.

Not wanting to make her gaze too apparent, she moves her stare to the different items on his desk: some notes, erasers, cookies, pencils, pens...COOKIES?!

Quickly covering her mouth before making an audible gasp, she pretended to focus back on her study before Choel noticed her activities.

On the other hand, Choel had long noticed her strange activities; she always seem have something going on beside studying.

Miae diverted her actions into scribbling small doodles while slyly taking numerous glances at those cookies. They were sneakily tucked into his bag, but anyone could tell those were handmade and given by multiple girls.

This made Miae itch, not physically but in a sense something pricked her head; though, oddly enough, it also gave her a newfound sense of pride.

She spun her pencil, trying to ease her itch; her curiosity was burning through her head. She ponders whether to slide over a note asking the cookies' origin. But the possibilities of coming off as too nosy and meddlesome didn't rub her right, however, her restless inquisitiveness was tugging at her moral principles on being a decent friend.

"Focus on the lesson."

Miae snapped out of her thoughts; hearing Choel's whisper to her. She was thrilled he talked to her first.

"I am!"

However she was ticked that he assumed she was goofing around—which she was.

"Then stop looking at me."



Miae cheeks slightly redden with embarrassment from getting caught red-handed. Out of pettiness and her hurted pride, she sticks her tongue out: "Am not." Before scrambling back onto an attempt of getting back into the lesson.

Annoyed, Choel wonders how her class ranking is even that far up when she barely pays attention during class; not to mention, did she really think she was being sneaky?—She is the least subtle person he knows.

She's so weird. He thought for the hundredth time.


Stepping out of class and on the way home, Choel gave a long, endless sigh. Homework never seemed to end, and everytime one test was over another appeared. He glances down at his rushly hidden gifts, it still mystified him why'd they give it to him.


"Choel Kim!"

Hearing his full name being said so loudly made him instantly think of Miae. But as he turned his head, it was obvious that it wasn't from her; she'd never just blurted his name on school grounds anyway.

It came from a group of girls who smiled and giggled as he looked their way, making Choel feel uncomfortable and out of place; was this a prank?

"Do you...need something?" Choel hesisted, he felt as if he was accidentally mistaking that they're addressing him.

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