1. Winter Is Coming

Start from the beginning

"Relax your bow arm," Robb instructed.

An arrow was shot into the target, hitting the bullseye.

The boys turned around, seeing Alerya and Arya standing nearby. Arya held a bow and had been the one to shoot the arrow.

Arya curtsied.

Bran dropped his bow and ran towards her, angrily.

Arya ran away.

Bran chased after her.

Jon and Robb laughed.

"Quick, Bran," Alerya told him. "Faster."

Ser Rodrik Cassel walked closer to Ned and Catelyn. "Lord Stark. My lady."

Theon Greyjoy stood nearby.

Catelyn nodded in greeting.

"A guardsman just rode in from the hills," Ser Rodrik informed them. "They've captured a deserter from the Night's Watch."

Ned and Catelyn's smiles faded. Ned looked down, gravely as Catelyn looked at her husband.

Ned looked at Theon. "Get the lads to saddle their horses."

Theon nodded, walking away.

"Do you have to?" Catelyn asked.

"He swore an oath, Cat," Ned answered.

"Law is law, my lady," Ser Rodrik told her.

Catelyn closed her eyes, looking away.

Ned looked at Ser Rodrik. "Tell Bran he's coming too."

Catelyn looked at them in surprise.

Ser Rodrik nodded, walking away.

"Ned," Catelyn said. Ned looked at her. "10 is too young to see such things."

"He won't be a boy forever," Ned replied. "And winter is coming."

Ned walked away.

Robb was retrieving the arrows from the target. Rickon gave the arrows to Jon before running back to Robb. Jon put the arrows back in the quiver.

Catelyn turned to look down at him in disdain.

Jon looked up for a moment before walking away.


Outside of Winterfell, the guardsmen brought Will towards the log where Ned was waiting.

"White Walkers," Will muttered. "I saw the White Walkers. White Walkers. The White Walkers, I saw them." The guardsmen let go of Will, stepping back. He looked at Ned. "I know I broke my oath. And I know I'm a deserter." Bran, Jon and Robb stood nearby, watching. "I should have gone back to the Wall and warned them, but . . . I saw what I saw. I saw the White Walkers. People need to know." Rodrik, Theon and Jory Cassel were also in attendance. "If you can get word to my family, tell them I'm no coward. Tell them I'm sorry."

Ned nodded and the guardsmen grabbed Will, forcing him to lay his head against the log.

The log was stained with blood from past beheadings.

Theon held the greatsword Ice for Ned, who unsheathed it and held it in front of him.

"In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon, the First of His Name."

Jon looked at Bran. "Don't look away."

"King of the Andals and the First Men," Ned continued.

"Father will know if you do," Jon added.

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