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Nudity and Sibling Coffee

Harry's Pov:

A gust of cold air hits my bare chest as I open the door to the bathroom. Walking out, I clutch on to the towel around my waist and dry my hair with another.

"Hi- oh my god!" I nearly droped the towel in my hands at the sight of my sister sitting at the end of my unmade bed. "Put some clothes on for Christ sake!" She laughs awkwardly and turns her head.

I laugh at Gemma's uncomfortable-ness. "How did you get in here?" I take long strides past her to my dresser and pull out some shorts and a white T-shirt.

"Your door was unlocked, so I let myself in. I expected to find you asleep, not prancing around in your birthday suit." She gestured at my half naked state.

"First of all, I don't prance. And secondly, Im not fully naked. Close your eyes." She chuckles and turns around with her back to me and her hands over her eyes. I let the towel fall to the floor before sliding on a pair of boxers and the shorts then my shirt.

"All clear?" She asks impatiently.

"Yeah," I say starting to remake the bed. When I lift up the covers, Lola's sent encases me. A feeling of disappointment follows, flushing over me. A part of me wished she had stayed just a little longer. However, the rest of me thought I didn't want anything serious to come of last night. My mind wandered towards the possibilities of what could have happened if she had stayed. Images of her walking around in nothing but my T-shirt with her hair all a mess, float across my mind. Gemma's voice pulls me from my thoughts. I hadn't notice until then that my heart was racing.

"What's this?" She asks holding up the blank Polariod and smirking. She flipped the piece of paper over in her hand. "Lo...hmm? You got laid last night, didn't you?" She busted out laughing. I could feel the heat rising to my cheaks. I stood there with my arms crossed over my chest choosing not to answer her questions.

"Oh my gosh! You got laid! You can't even try and deny it," She cackled, "You're blushing, Haz! How cute!" She exclaimed clearly amused.

"Could you not," I chuckled. "Its not like it's my first time. I mean, -" She waved her hands in front of her, "I don't need to know all that, bro. What was this 'Lo' like, huh?" She raised her eyebrows quizzically and sat on the bed with her legs crossed.

"Well, her name is Lola." I say leaning my back on the dresser, not really wanting to discuss this with my sister. Feeling kind of awkward I continue, "I met her last night at the club while I was out with Lou and Liam. We danced and she told me that she's a photographer from Boston and I brought her here and.... yeah." She just stared at me like she was waiting for me to continue.

"I'm not telling you everything, Gem."

"I don't want to know about the sex. That's just disgusting and perverted. Ew just ew." She shuttered and I couldn't help but laugh, "I want to know what happened this morning? Did she stay? When did she leave? What happened?" She asked excitedly.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." I say shrugging, trying to understand her interest in my love life.

"Well that's unfortunate," she sighed disappointed, standing up, "Anyway, the reason why I decided to stop by was to tell you that Madison really misses you. She keeps saying 'where's uncle Haz, where's uncle Haz'," she imitates my niece's voice, "so I was going to come by and pick you up so she can see you. But... It can wait until tomorrow because its you look tremendously hungover. Oh, I almost forgot."

She grabbed a cup of coffee I hadn't noticed, off of the television stand and handed it to me."Here," I gladly took the caffeine and gave her a hug.

"You should get some more rest, party animal." She chuckled picking up her bag and opening the door.

"Thanks," I say running a hand through my hair. "Tell Madison I said hi and that I miss her too"

"Sure thing, lil' bro." She smiles and walks out of the door and closes it behind her. I decide on getting back in bed and taking a two or three hour nap to knock off the splitting headache pounding against my skull. Just as I was about to fall back into a blissful sleep, I hear a beep come from my phone on the bedside table. I pick it up and I had got a text from Louis.

Louis: where did you go last night, mate? Li said you left with a girl

Harry: yeah... srry about that. I brought her home. And now i have a headache from hell

Louis: haha you cheeky bloke! im coming over there later. when are you free?

Harry: I have to do some things today but i should be free around 4 o'clock

Louis: i'll meet you at the pub, Romeo lol

With that, I turn the screen off and role over in the covers and drift back to sleep, the pain in my head slowly subsiding as I sink into the comfort of the bed.

Hope you liked the chapter! Im glad my writing is getting longer lately. Anyway, yeah hope you enjoyed.



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