Yoonseok's last words (more like a speech or something)

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"I always feared it, feared this day." They started whispering "I never feared death. Instead, I was ready to accept it whenever it came to me. But in fact I was scared to have undone job before I pass away. Lots may be things I liked to do but I never did but that's not the situation, there I works which others expected me to do, I expected my self to... there's a huge amount of responsibility on each and everyone's shoulder which they want, expect or at least like to finish every single of them to make others proud, to make themselves proud, to finish the burden but well... it's kinda far from mind, right? I always thought that I'd finish at least some of them before my time comes. I was expecting to live at least 50 years something but now... I'm no more than 22. putting this top tier responsibilities aside, I'm not an ungrateful person and I have friends who are going to miss me, specially you... Actually I wasn't planning to die and I'm not counted as an irresponsible person or better said I don't want to be. But keeping you happy and glad was one of the things I promised myself I'd do my best at but right now I have not so much time left and you're already silent, crying and looking at me and no lies, seeing your tears hurt me. I wish your smile was my last view but if I were you I couldn't smile either... if only I didn't act this.. this.. stupid? I mean at least one person should have been sacrificed in this plan and every single person here had their people, their responsibility, their promises, their hopes and if I made a job to help many people, I don't have any regrets. My plan was perfect, I put too much afford on it, honestly. And... I'm sure I'll see you again. I don't like making promises because many promises break by intention or by accident and accidents happen around us all the time and no one can stop them and I don't want to be break things... either a heart, a dish or a promise... but now; I promise you that we will meet again, in a world with no path of darkness..." they said as their voice fainted "farewell, dear... friend...." and not much more passed that they stopped breathing...

random things coming to my mind at 4 a.m. Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora