I'm Keeping Her!!

Start from the beginning

As the door began to bang ominously, I frantically reached into my pocket and retrieved a handful of seeds. 

Infusing them with my cursed power, I hurled them at the door, watching as they rapidly grew into a tangled mass of black death plant, ensnaring the entrance and providing a temporary barrier against the relentless assault.

"It won't be able to hold it down. Think, Inari, think!!" I muttered to myself, panic rising within me as I desperately racked my brain for a solution to my predicament.

Ouroboros was a towering skull-headed spider, a remnant of the Earth's last 'kaiju age.' Her most notable feature is her pedipalps, which give her a hydra-like appearance,

Each of her five claws generates a different venom, making her one of the most toxic life-forms anywhere. "She's not a curse. She's an A-grade demon!!" 

The door banged open, sending me reeling back in terror as Ouroboros loomed before me, her presence casting a shadow of impending doom over me. 

'R.I.P my life ayy!!!' I gulped nervously, feeling a sense of dread wash over me as the serpent-like demon approached.

With lightning speed, the knife-like claws lunged at me simultaneously, their sharp edges bared and venom dripping menacingly. 

Reacting quickly, I dodged their attacks, narrowly avoiding the lethal strikes.

"Petal Whirlwind!" I cried out, summoning a whirlwind of razor-sharp rose petals into existence, the delicate blooms materializing in the palm of my hands. 

With a swift motion, I sent the swirling petals hurtling towards Ouroboros, hoping to shred her monstrous form to pieces.

Despite their razor-sharp edges, they merely glanced off her thick hide, failing to inflict any significant damage. 

It was a technique that might have worked against lesser curses, but against Ouroboros, it proved futile.

"Oh, well, screw me sideways!" I found myself lacking in ideas, so I faced the attack head-on like a real man!

With lightning speed, one of the claws struck, sinking its nails into my flesh and sending me hurtling towards the wall.

 With a sickening crash, the wall shattered upon impact, and I was thrown out into the open air, landing hard on my back on the unforgiving ground below.

"What? You done already?!" Gojo's annoying voice interrupted my thoughts, and I glared up at him, frustration evident in my gaze. 

"Youuu bastard!!" I spat, my anger boiling over as he laughed mockingly. "It's a semi-first-grade curse." He remarked casually, his smirk infuriating me even more.

"I'm still starting, the hurdle is out of my league!" I retorted, annoyance lacing my words as I struggled to my feet. "So what? Gonna give up now?" Gojo taunted, his amusement evident in his tone.

"Over my dead body," I declared defiantly, my resolve steeling as I brushed off his taunts and pushed past Gojo and headed back inside, refusing to let defeatism hold me back.

I returned to face Ouroboros, steeling myself for the impending confrontation. 

As the monstrous creature lunged at me once more, I dodged its attack with a swift maneuver, narrowly avoiding its deadly grasp.

"Wait!" I called out desperately, but Ouroboros showed no signs of halting its relentless assault, continuing to press its attack without mercy.

As I faced Ouroboros once more, determination burning bright within me, I found myself gaining the upper hand in our fierce battle. 

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