Chapter Six: Attack on The Brokly

Start from the beginning

"This metal object has also eaten a devil fruit. I don't know how it did.  It had eaten the swarm swarm devil fruit which allows the  metal to expand itself. So it moves on its own and for some reason it listens to me only and that means I can shape this metal in any shape or form besides huge things like a ship. Also the reason I'm  telling  you this is because you have no chance at winning even if you find your way around it I'm  still  gonna kill you here and now."

While Captain Bean talk George would have pulled out a Pistol from  his back pocket and got ready to charge again. Captain Bean walk closer  while  spinning his metal rod as a huge grin  appeares on his face as he looks down at George and says,

"I know your secret."
George would have replied with a hateful  glare saying,

"You know nothing!"
George then would have charged forward without another word and as Captain Bean swings his metal Rod down on top of him he would  have released  his spikes at the same time. But George had other plans  as he uses his suit over coat  as a shield to hide himself from the attack and escape Bean sight.
Then he reappeared  behind Bean with his Pistol pointed  at him  but before he could  shoot   he felt pain in his shoulder as a spike had impaled his shoulder. The pain cause him to drop the gun which then Captain Bean look back at George and says,

"Now I remember you, you were that famous  Doctor with skills of a Pirate a few years back  I remember watching  you in battle a few times. I have very good muscle memory that I even remember coming out of the womb but that besides the point."

Soon after,  Captain Bean would have slam George  into the wall as he was still stuck on the spike causing  it to go deeper. Then Captain Bean lifted George up and dropped him on to the floor  knocking  him off of the spike and then  he aimed his hand towards George. Soon after, his hand would have reshape itself into an arm blade but then before he can impale his blade into George Vivi would have drop two massive bag and says,

"Here, two bags one full of food and the other some meds. take  that and get out of here but if you try to take my ship I'll  fight you with my last breath and so will everyone else."
Captain Bean picked up the bags and as he did he wore a devilish grin and says,

"Then let this be your graveyard"
finally Captain Bean leaves the Hotel with the two bags as the workers would then yell out,

"Hey Vivi what the hell?! You just gave our enemy food and supplies!"
Then Rubert would have finally stood up and glared at the workers and yells out,

"Shut the hell up you idiots! You don't understand the pain of starving to death and wanting to live on the verge of losing everything! No one should go though that not Even our worst enemies it's unbearable.."
The Workers all look down in confusion not knowing what to do and then George would have stood up. As blood was leaking from his wounds dropping to the floor as he says,

"Rubert right, but we will defend this Hotel to the very end alright men!"
Vivi look back at George and smiled and replies to him saying,

"We probably won't need to because a warrior spirit goes so far specially on an empty stomach so we'll see."
Back on the marine ship the marines ate and dance as they finally have food in their belly but then in the middle of the celebration Captain would have announce the next part of their plan as he says,

"Alright since you all are  jumpy we can move on with the plan. We will take that massive pirate ship and kill everyone also be grateful they are dumb enough food."
The Marines stop in their tracks as they realize where the food came from. Then they were conflicted they didn't want to attack cause of their kindness due to the situation they didn't have a fighting spirit. But Captain Bean had a way to spark their flame as one of the marines walk up to Bean and say,

"Captain can we just let them go this once. please, they saved us and fed us food gave us many supplies to sail back to base I-"
The Marine is cut off as blood leaks from his mouth and a gunshot can be heard. As, Bean had shot the marine and soon he grabbed the marine and tosses him overboard with the bullet wound. Next, the marines stood up and pick up their weapons all fearing Captain  Bean  then back in the hotel Vivi could hear the gunshot as she says,

"get the weapons ready, a war is coming."
George would  have stood up and nodded towards  Vivi picking  up his pistol. Soon Rubert then would have took a carrot he had in his pocket and bite down on to it eating half of it.

X.O watched and so did Fen  not getting  involved  well not just yet but from outside the marines began to scream as thier been a loud Slash sound. Everyone rushed outside to see the drama and to their surprise the marine ship was cut in half and in the middle  of the Slash on a small boat was none other then Kite and Willy. Python was the first to see them coming  as he was on the roof now wonder how he got there? Anyways after they reveal themselves  X.O then yells  out,

"Hey you bastard! you said you wasn't gonna try and capture us!"
Kite replied to X.O saying,

"Well it seems the Government gave me a change  in plans. You see what you have there is a special  type of ship called the Black Berda a marine ship that was stolen by Baby Face james but now its in your possession?"
X.O then would have yelled back,

"Yeah so what I beat his ass and took the ship and if you want it you have to come  and fucking try and take it!"
but a voice interrupts  them saying,

"Stand back Captain I'll  handle this. Ever since we fought  my scars have been aching and need Revenge"
the person was none other then Python and Kite look up to him as he was standing  on  the top of the Hotel and says,

"didn't we already fight? do you really want to meet death that bad?"
Python would  have jump down after and pointed both  of his blade towards Kite and replies  saying,

"what you faced  before was a beast no control over his mind. but now  this is different come get a taste of the real me!"
Kite grin and got off the boat on to a  massive platform from the destroyed marineship. Python  soon would join him on the platform as they stared each other down. The first actual battle between the two was about to begin.

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