Chapter Four: Bunny man

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As, X.O carried Python on his back he would have walk around in the small village called Sohail the same village  they been in and finally they make it back to bar where X.O  was last at. As, X.O enters he would have announced,

"We are back and we have demolished the Marines here so don't suspect them to cause anymore trouble. Specially Python over here was fucking awesome! Man the way he handled those Marines you should have seen him! Also he may need a medic or a doctor."
The waitress from before would have rushed over to them and help him to stool and yelled out,

"We need Doctor! He is bleeding out like holy shit dude!"
X.O would have look up at the waitress as she was panicking and calmly says,

"Yeah, some pirate hunter appeared I think his name was Rite or Site something like that?"
X.O was trying to remember the pirate hunter name. But then a woman stood up from the booth of the Tavern and says,

"I'm a Doctor! let me have a loo-"
The woman was revealed to be Fen as she chokes on her words finding X.O as she trying to avoid him again after she had took all of the gold. But then X.O would have waved to her and says,

"Wow! Fen are you really a doctor? that cool!"
She noticed how he didn't say anything about the gold and how he complemented her so she thought to herself,

"Maybe he is different from the others."
Next Fen walk over and began to analyze
Python noticing the slash on his shoulder and eye aswell as the huge deep slash in his back. But there was a mark it was an unusual Tattoo though it had a slash through it the Tattoo was still clear as day and usually his back is covered by his hair.

 But there was a mark it was an unusual Tattoo though it had a slash through it the Tattoo was still clear as day and usually his back is covered by his hair

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After, Fen finished analyzing Pythons Wounds she says,

"I'm gonna need bandages,stitches and Alot of Alcohol aswell as a hot metal rod and maybe muffler. One last thing a private room."
Without question the waitress got most of the other items as for the rod they had one in a fire place of the Tavern. The bartender would have gotten her two whole bottles of Alcohol and nods signaling it's on the house as he had respect for Python for actually being a good guy. Soon after, the waitress would have walk up and says,

"Please, follow me to the room this way."
As, the waitress lead the way X.O followed close behind carrying Python and Fen was right behind them as they finally reached one of the back rooms. The waitress open the door to the room and walk in leading X.O and Fen inside and says,

"This is the only room we could use right now."
Fen began to look around as she enters the room and then says,

"Set him on the bed and after that I need everyone to leave."
X.O proceeds to do as she says settting Python down on the bed and then would have nod to Fen and walks out following the waitress.
Hours pass by as screaming  can be heard from within  the room where Fen was working in and finally  they come to a stop as Fen would have walk out of the room wiping  the sweat from her head.
As, she walks towards the bar  she would have noticed X.O who was smoking a blunt with the waitress as both of their eyes were  abit red signaling  that they was high.

After, awhile  Python  would  have finally  woke up wrapped  in bandages while his back and shoulder wounds were stitched closed. Next, he would have tried to get up only to feel pain and then he would have fell backwards back into bed waiting  for awhile.
After, awhile  Python barely was able stand up  and began to walk slowly and as he enters the main room and then he would have seen X.O and Fen sitting down on the bar stools hitting  another blunt while the Bartender  and waitress was out cold on the bar cause of how high they got. Next, as Fen finishes hitting the  blunt she passes it to X.O and  would have waved over at Python  and saying,

"Come over here Python! You should  hit this. I don't know where he gets it from. But this shit is good!"
Python would have a face expression  of confusion  and digust until a few minutes later and he to was also there sitting on a   bar stool Smoking the blunt aswell. All three  of them were now high off their rockers and then finally they left the Tavern and head back to the ship.

As, they was on board the ship still high  off their rockers. The three laid down  in different  areas of the ship  and slowly but surely they fell asleep. Hours would have pass by as Fen was the First one to wake up as she secretly began to move the ship while X.O and Python were asleep.
Then, she started to set sail not knowing  where to go well besides Fen as she had other plans as a huge mischievous smile grew on her face.

After, awhile  X.O began to wake up  and Python aswell and while Python  gets up he would have place his hand on his head in confusion. Soon after, X.O  rub his eyes and ask,

"Hey where Fen?"
While, Python was checking out his Katanas he answers  X.O saying,

"I don't  know? i just woke up."
But then Fen yelled out from the helm of the ship yelling  out,

"Guys look land ahead! A Marine ship!"
X.O and Python  both stood up and rush to the front of the ship seeing  the Marine ship that Fen was talking  about.  But then one of the officers from the ship used a Microphone with loud speakers and says,

"Hello! We are the Marines please state yourself or else we'll  open fire!"
On that same marine ship a marine walk up to the Marine on the  microphone with a worried look and says,

"Officer T. Penny, um..we can't do that without The Captain  orders!"
Penny had an angered look and yells out,

Then the marine Soldier  nodded as sweat drip down his face and then he yells out to the others,

The marines prepare for battle as they loaded up the canons and then they waited for a response from X.O and his crew and then Penny would have grabbed the mic again and says,

"Well, we are waiting?"
For awhile they didn't answer until X.O yells out,

"We are the Black Reidāsu Pirates!"
Penny stood there in shock aswell as the marines and the reason why is because X.O just admitted  he was a criminal. Then, T. Penny would have finally  snapped  out of it and yells out in a furious tone,

"Just who the hell you think you are introducing yourself to the navy?! You're  nothing  but a small time pirate kid i don't see more then four people? On  your ship so don't even think  about getting  cocky and you know what?! Fire the canons!"
The marines do as  they are told and fire the canon balls straight  at the ship but then X.O quickly  jumps in the way and yells out,

Then, X.O proceeds to breath  in alot of air  as his body began to grow  as it shape  X.O into some sort of ballon cushion. Then has the canon balls made contact they are thrown  back straight at the marine ship due to X.O devil fruit powers. As, the canon balls tear  through  the marine ship almost sinking it. One of the canons balls missed  but it still hits something as it then i revealed to be a massive ship shadowing  over both ships as it arrives to the scene. Which caused  the marine to sail away in fear as Penny screams for his life screaming  out,

"Get me the fuck outta here!"
X.O look up at the massive ship with  his arms crossed and on the railing was a man who looked like a bunny or a Rabbit. Then the mysterious Bunny would have talk to himself  saying outloud,

"What an interesting group."
X.O would have done the same saying,

"Whoa,  what a cool looking bunny."

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