2 : Dazed Reactions

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" Colle? "

The red and blue feathered bird chirped as it flew above, a soft glow of blue coming from the lantern of the Blue Steve was lighting up the dark forest. It was already night time, the moon was above and the stars as well, the cool breeze blew by and the leaves brushed off from the branches to land on the ground.

Seer was outside of the kingdom looking for his Red Steve friend, who hadn't returned after sunset and got worried after the parrot flew back to the kingdom for him. Seer thought that it could've been a sign for help from Colle, or a call of assistance, either way he told the Elite Leader about where and what Colle was doing in the mean time before leaving the Kingdom.

Just in case if Seer disappears and didn't return, the Elite Leader will call the other Elites for help.

But what made Seer worried was the parrot's actions earlier when it flew by Seer. Squawking Colle's name and pulling on his hair on a certain direction to the gates, it was annoying but considering that it was Colle's parrot, something must've happened to him.

" Colle are you out here? " Seer felt stupid for that question, well of course he was in the forest but he doesn't know where he is. Seer could only look around as he walked deeper in the forest, following the parrot above the trees. Seer wanted to fly up and search but he decided to stick on the ground, he was never a big fan of heights.

The parrot flew down somewhere and let out a chirp as it landed, Seer soon followed him quickly before losing sight. Then he stopped after seeing the parrot, beside the unconscious Red Steve on the ground.

" COLLE! "

Seer ran and kneeled beside the Red Steve as panic ran through his mind, the parrot flew again and landed somewhere else as Seer ran too. The Blue Steve shook Colle for a bit before examine his body, no injuries and that made Seer sign in relief. He could hear the soft snores of the Red Steve too, no injuries on his head as well.

' Maybe he just passed out while walking around these woods? ' Seer thought for a moment before shaking the Red Steve again. " Hey Colle, wake up. " Seer could only shook the Red Steve slowly and stopped after hearing a groan from him. Colle's eyes slowly opened as he looked up to see Seer above.

" Seer?... "

" Hey man, had a great nap in the woods so far? " Seer could only chuckle from the joke, letting Colle sit up straight on the ground he was laying on. Colle could only let out another groan as he felt his head had a shock of pain, then slowly looked around his surroundings. He was still in the forest and it was already night out, parrot was on the ground beside him and Seer was there too, a small light of blue coming out of Seer's lantern brighten up the place for a bit.

" Wh- what happened? "

" I should be asking you that Colle, you were the one who went out here to find one of the Red Steve farmers that you mentioned a while ago. " Seer pointed out as he helped Colle get up on his feet, they both stood up as Colle felt the shocking pain on his head again. He raised his hands over his head as he hissed from the pain.

Colle tried to remember what happened before this happened. All he could remember that he walked out of the kingdom to find the Red Steve Farmer and ended up falling unconscious the next second. He couldn't tell if a heavy fruit landed on Colle's head, actually there is no fruit around, and he couldn't even tell if he tripped over something.

It was all just a blur to him. He could feel a bit of nervousness inside of him but he couldn't tell why. " I... don't remember for some reason. "

Seer could only let out a hum from the response, then Colle stumbled forward when he took a step, luckily Seer could. hold him on time before he could fall over on the grass. " Tired? I can teleport us both to the Red Kingdom and take you back to your house if you wanna rest up for the night. I'm sure the Red farmer came back home, if not then next morning we'll find him. "

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