The begining

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It was a good day nothing bad happened i was just playing a game when my parents start fighting. I get up and go to my room where my sister is sitting on her fat ass doing nothing but eat and petting my cat. When I go up there I sigh really loud and say "there fighting again" my sister didn't really care she wasn't doing anything but then I hear a bang and I go down stairs to try and do something. When I went my dad punched the wall and I hear yelling. I was young really young and my sister was like in 4th grade so she said "come on gavin come with me up stairs" she was always there for me. She never left my side she was there to talk to. So I went back upstairs when I hear an ambulance or a cop car and so I'm scared hugging my cat and I see my dad getting put into something.

The fight of my parentsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora