Chapter Nine

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A few weeks have passed by since Dane's latest assault, and I've dedicated my free time to perfecting my plan. Today is the day I'm finally going through with it. I look at my reflection once more and fix a few strands of hair, I feel unnaturally calm about it all. 

I get up from the seat and put my shoes on as I get ready to accompany the squadron on a Winter Soldier mission. Hopefully it's the last. I slip my heels on and go get the Soldier, who knows the routine by now. A routine that I intend to break today. 

We meet up with the others and I go through the motions. Today is the day that they're sending him to wipe out the competing group that's been impeding on our territory. I know that he's more than capable of doing this, I just don't want the others to fully realize his power; they already abuse him as much as they can. They overwork him too much.

I smile at the people I'm supposed to and fall into line, wanting this to be over quickly. My mind is preoccupied with going over the details and I can't be bothered to be too in tune with what others are saying. I bid farewell to the Soldier as he goes to get into position and I take my spot in front of the monitors. There are several more than usual, since this is the biggest contract he's ever carried out. 

My brain comes out of the fog as I watch the mission begin. Effortlessly, and flawlessly, the Soldier throws knives into men's throats and they fall to the ground, choking on their own blood. Some of the opposition starts shooting at him, and I feel my heart sink to my stomach. This is way more than just eight people. 

I watch the screen intensely as I slowly realize we've been set up. I look around and see that everyone else is coming to the same conclusion. I bite the skin on my lip as I watch more people come towards the Soldier, guns drawn. He's going to be overpowered, there's too many people. My eyes grow wide and I feel myself start to panic.

However, just as I'm about to send the squadron in for backup, I watch as the Soldier takes the gun strapped to his back, and annihilates everyone in his path in one sweeping motion. Maybe I'm underestimating him a little bit. My nerves slightly calm and I watch as he takes down man after man like it's nothing. He uses his metal arm to block bullets from hitting him, before gunning down the assailant. 

As I watch the final man fall to the ground, I glance at my clock. It took him only fifteen minutes to clear out more than fifty men. The squadron goes wild around me as they celebrate the biggest victory yet. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, just thankful that the Soldier made it out unscathed. 

As he comes into the temporary base, people continue to clap, but I guide him to our armored car. This was a lot more than any of us were expecting, and I need to make sure he's okay. They can celebrate amongst themselves if they want. Dane sits next to me as I turn my body to the Soldier and begin looking him over. 

"You pay more attention and care to him than you do to me." Dane speaks. I try to ignore him as I notice a small cut on the Soldier's face, probably from a stray bullet ricocheting off of his arm. I feel Dane's fingers wrap around my forearm and in the blink of an eye, the Soldier has Dane's hand in his metal one, tightly squeezing it. 

Dane's face goes bright red as he struggles to get his hand back, and instead of immediately telling the Soldier to let go, I let him suffer for a few moments. I debate telling the Soldier to let go at all, but, I know I have to. I instruct the Soldier to let go of his hand, and Dane lets out a sigh of relief as he rubs his hand. 

The rest of the trip is silent, and I feel my stomach becoming upset, I know that the time is coming soon. I taste blood on my tongue from chewing on my lip so much and run over my plan again in my head. It's going to work out, it has to. 

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