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Realizing they have a crush you 🫣🫣

-always wants you to be around him
- really REALLY wants to hug you but won't to respect your space
-rambling abt smth? He'll listen on and on about what you have to say

Player 🫶
-your smile just makes him all fuzzy inside
-wants to spend more time with you
-blushing mess sometimes
-when you guys hold hands while walking he'll look down bc he doesn't want you to see him blushing
-"hey player.. can I tell you something..?" *heart racing fast as shit* "oh-oh yeah sure!" *excited boy ☺️* "do these chips taste good?"
-*oh :(*

-watches you in the game talking to cashier
-gets jealous that it isn't him
-when you guys hang he loves listening to your voice it makes him calm
-loves your presence
-doesn't even know he likes you

Players dad
-likes spending time with you
-knows he loves u he I don't even know how to explain it 💟

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