Uneventful start to a new year

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3rd Person POV:

Dumbledore had begun the new year by greeting everyone, new and old, with his very boring and repetitive speech. previous year groups payed very little attention due to the fact they had heard everything before and knew nothing would have changed much. One notifiable change was the lack of a toad faced pink clad bitch up on the teachers table.

The first years had been sorted and most had big smiles branded onto their faces. Dumbledore's sickly sweet smile and personality shone through, although those that knew who he was like, could see the screaming blatant fake act shining through. Upon addressing the houses, the sneer became more pronounced at the mention of a certain green based serpent house.

After a very long welcoming and dinner, Hadrian, Draco and their fellow Slytherins left the Great hall with their destination set. They were heading down to the dungeon to settle in and greet the new snakes. 


Hadrian's POV:

God could that old goat become any more boring, I thought as I walked through the halls towards the Slytherin common room. Draco, Pansy and Blaise were following behind in gaged in a conversation about what they wanted to do tonight. I interjected my ideas and opinions here and there but I was more enjoying the hand enclosing my own rubbing soothing circles.

We reached the common room and headed towards the rooms. Considering were 6th years now, we knew our rooms would be different from the previous years. Genders weren't split if people wanted to share and through magic provided by Snape, each set of rooms had their own seating area and bathroom. It made life easier for students and provided the needed space most students needed for revision. These rooms would be our own for the remainder of our time at Hogwarts and being the son of Snape, had its perks.

Draco and I would be sharing a room, while also sharing a common area with Pansy, Blaise, Crab and Goyle. From what I had heard, no other common rooms had this much room for students and higher years still had to stay in the cramped rooms they would have had in first year. Sadly this year our group had decreased. The twins had finished their education and had decided to start a new shop. Luckily for us though, they had started this in Hogsmead.

Dray had entered the bathroom to put our toiletries away while I was placing our clothes in the wardrobe and draws. I could have used magic but I preferred to do it manually to pass the time. "Where should I put our books?" startled me. Recovering from my shock two arms snaked their way around my waist enclosing me in the warm embrace of Draco.

"First you scared me, second I was gonna place the over there on some of the shelves minus the books I was reading, which I was going to put on top of the desk there." I mumbled out after turning around and hurrying my head in Drays shoulder.

"Alright and sorry for the spooks , how are you feeling?" Was shot back at me while he flicked his wrist, books flying into the selected locations.

"I'm tired but other then that, I'm not too bad. I don't want to see dumb as a door or the annoying trio but Ill have to put do." I replied, aslo flicking my wrist to finish unpacking the clothes.

With that we had finished unpacking and had our room sorted for us to use. Without warning Draco picked me up and we headed out to the enclosed common area, where I saw the others talking to each other while Pansy made herbal tea. Without even needing to be asked, she walked over to me handing me a hot cup of tea. I nodded my head in thanks while also thanking her verbally.

It was only 8 but we knew we weren't going out again until breakfast tomorrow, so we locked out door and spent the rest of the evening talking and laughing, telling stories and playing games. Highlight of my night was hearing the story of Draco being turned into a ferret by Crouch Jr for arguing. That got me falling off the couch laughing. It was nice to be surrounded by friends, laughing, plus seeing Drays embarrassed face was even better.

Beds were filled at 10 knowing we would need to be up early for our first day of lessons. God this would be fun.


Author's note:

I'd like to apologise for my lack of updating and presence lately. I have been super busy and also lack of motivation. However after spending time away I'm feeling better and will hopefully be updating more, and I should hopefully finish this book

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